Evaluation and Selection Methodology for Determination of a Preferred Pipeline Alignment
The San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) had need to construct a regional 108 to 72 inch (2.7 to 1.8 meter) diameter pipeline through San Diego County to increase water supply to its...

Field Experiment on Behavior of Continuous Water Main with a Miter Bend
A field experiment was conducted to investigate behaviors of a buried continuous steel water main with a 90-degree miter bend subjected to internal pressure and ground settlement. Deformations...

Tomorrow's Energy Today
If concerns about global warming, acid rain and air pollution continue to mount, replacements for fossil fuels�for a century the dominant power source in the U.S.�will be necessary to...

America's Irrigation: Can It Last?
Although irrigated agriculture has made a substantial contribution to food production and the economy in the U.S., its future is now at a crossroads for a variety of reasons. Irrigation...

Keeping Lifelines Alive
There were no city water supplies to fight the fires in San Francisco after last year's earthquake. The fires were brought under control because of an historic auxiliary water...

Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater From J-13 Well at the Nevada Test Site
The concentrations of U-238 and Th-232 chain members are extremely low in J-13 water, suggesting that their concentrations in groundwaters are largely governed by sorption/desorption processes....

Identification of Facility Constraints That Impact Transportation Operations
As Federal Waste Management Systems (FWMS) receiving facilities become available, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) intends to begin accepting spent nuclear fuel from U.S. utilities...

The SKI Regulatory Strategy and Performance Assessment Program in Relation to Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste
Important steps are planned to be made during the 1990s in the Swedish program for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive wastes. Site selection will be done in...

Mass-Transfer Analysis of Waste Packages Containing Defense Waste Processing Facility Glass as a Waste Form
The fractional release rates of selected radionuclides from waste packages containing Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) glass are calculated using the AREST code, assuming a continuous-diffusive...

Diffusion Barrier Transport Properties of Unsaturated Paintbrush Tuff Rubble Backfill
Diffusion coefficients (D) were experimentally determined in unsaturated tuff gravel to evaluated the effectiveness of tuff gravel and rubble as a diffusion barrier to ionic transport...

Technical Considerations and Approcah for Evaluating Substantially Complete Containment of High-Level Nuclear Waste
The current Federal Regulations, Title 10 Part 60.113(a)(1)(i)(A) require that, for at least 300 years, nuclear waste containment within a waste package shall be substantially complete....

?4C Release From Failed Spent Fuel Containers
Partially failed containers may provide a meaningful barrier to the release of gaseous radionuclides. A modeling approach is outlined and sample calculations are provided that show the...

A Waste Package Strategy for Regulatory Compliance
This paper summarizes the strategy given in the Site Characterization Plan (SCP) for demonstrating complicance with the post closure performance objectives for the waste package and the...

Dry Spent Fuel Storage Compatibility at the Back End of the Fuel Cycle
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has publicly called for dry storage designs to be compatible with the back end of the fuel cycle, to achieve overall fuel cycle efficiency....

The Continuing Evolution of a Radioactive Material Transport System
The paper considers the evolution of BNFL's transportation system and those lessons learned and incorporated or being incorporated in the system as it continues to evolve....

An Innovative Cask for Transporting Defense High-Level Waste
In the early 1980s, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high-level waste (DHLW)....

TN28V High Capacity Cask for the Transport and Storage of Vitrified Wastes
When the option of reprocessing has been selected, closing of the fuel cycle implies the return shipment of reprocessing wastes back to the country of origin of the spent fuel, in particular...

Simulation of Heat Transfer in the Unsaturated Zone
It is well known that heat transfer can play an important roll in fluid flow near the emplacement site of high-level nuclear waste (K. Pruess and J.S.W. Wang, 1987). Heat transfer effects...

The Analysis of Horizontal Cooling Enhancement for Nuclear Waste Container Emplacement
This paper presents a novel method for distributing the heat generated by waste containers emplaced in the proposed high-level nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The method...

Systems Models for Predicting Radioactive Waste
This paper illustrates how a model can be constructed to analyze the growth of accumulated spent Light-Water-Reactor fuel using a technique from systems theory which has proved to be capable...





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