Verification of Clark County Hydrologic Modeling
The Clark County Regional Flood Control District, which includes the Las Vegas, Nevada metropolitan area, has recently adopted hydrologic criteria which are intended to standardize the...

A Dynamic Runoff Model for Disturbed Hillslopes
A dynamic runoff model is developed for use in analyzing the hydrologic response of disturbed hillslopes. The model employs an explicit form of the Green-Ampt equation which is coupled...

Probabilistic Aspects of Hydroproject Maintenance
A survey of operation and maintenance personnel in the hydraulic structures sector was conducted to learn about the present maintenance approach and the perception of the probabilistic...

Reliability Assessment Method for Flood Forecasts
Peak discharge predictions produced by rainfall-runoff models and used by flood warning and preparedness agencies are subject to uncertainties in the input data, model parameters, and...

Measurements to Calibrate Suspended Sediment Model for Adsorbed Contaminant Transport Study of North Fork Holston River, Virginia
A daily suspended sediment (SS) and mercury transport model was developed for a 25-mile reach of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia. Daily streamflow measurements;...

Modeling of Dispersion in Natural Streams with Pools and Riffles
The non-Fickian nature of the dispersion process in natural channels with pools and riffles has been investigated through both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of a proposed...

Conventional Storm Drainage Which Recharges the Groundwater
Since the demand for water is on the rise, more resourceful means of retaining and controlling the release of stormwater is needed. This retained stormwater may then be used for aesthetic...

Verification of WASURO Using the Puerto Nuevo Physical Model Study Results
The Jacksonville District, US Army Corps of Engineers, used the hydraulic design computer modeling program, WASURO, for preliminary design of the Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Control System....

Combined Application of HEC-1 and HEC-2 Simulation Models in Dike Safety Analysis
The potential flood impact of a breach in a dike for a large spreading-area on a nearby waste storage facility was investigated. An HEC-1 model was used for generating breach hydrographs...

Detention Basin Design to Control Flood Volumes
A desk-top method is presented for hydraulic design of detention basins. The main objective is to control the flood volume rather than the peak discharge. The method is based on the pre-determined...

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in a Small Urban Watershed
Knights Branch watershed is located in Dallas, Texas, and it covers an area of about 5 mi2 (13 km2). Due to...

An Engineering Analysis of Sedimentation in Tidal Inlets
The engineering comparative analysis of deposition and scour of noncohesive sediments in the neighborhood of bridges over tidal inlets is a unique problem which does not lend itself conveniently...

Model Studies on Local Scour
In this investigation, the scaling procedure of a scour model in the laboratory has been indicated. The results have been compared with the prototype data....

Cofferdam Rip-Rap Protection for the New Esna Barrage
A 1:60 undistorted mobile bed model of the Nile River in the vicinity of Esna Barrage was constructed at the Hydraulics and Sediment Research Institute to test rip-rap protection of the...

Calibration of Beni-Mazar Movable Bed Model
A sand-bed model representing a reach of the Nile River was constructed to study alternative solutions to maintaining the navigation channel. Flume tests were carried out first to determine...

Numerical Modeling of Proposed Channel Designs (J. F. Baldwin III), California
Ship simulator studies of proposed improvements to navigable waterways are a very important part of any assessment. The John F. Baldwin Channel (JFB) Project (Phase III) is a ship channel...

Temporary Facilities?Making It Happen, Organization and Logistics
As construction projects become larger, more complex and are constructed both faster and under more adverse conditions--the use of temporary facilities is more prevalent. Temporary facilities...

The Benefits of U.K. Guidance for Temporary Works
In British contracts the Contractor is responsible for the design and execution of temporary works unless the Design Engineer or the Client expressly instruct how the work is to be undertaken...

Legal Principles and Theories
Legal issues are intertwined with all aspects of the technical considerations relating to temporary structures. This paper presents an introduction to the legal theories which relate to...

Liability Insurance Coverages for Designers of Temporary Structures
A recent survey completed by the American Consulting Engineers Counsel (ACEC) indicates that in 1990 approximately 40 claims occurred per 100 firms. There also is an indication that claims...





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