Systems Models for Predicting Radioactive Waste
This paper illustrates how a model can be constructed to analyze the growth of accumulated spent Light-Water-Reactor fuel using a technique from systems theory which has proved to be capable...

Near-Field Modelling for the Safety Assessment of French High-Level Waste Repositories
In assessing the safety of a French high-level waste repository, the fluxes of radionuclides released by the near-field into the geosphere are modelled by the CONDIMENT source code. This...

Optimization Method for Dimensioning a Geological HLW Waste Repository
This method was developed by the CEA to optimize the dimensions of a geological repository by taking account of technical and economic parameters. It involves optimizing radioactive waste...

Risk Perspective on Potential Releases of ?4C From the Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain
The objective of this paper is to provide a perspective on the individual and population risks from potential releases of 14C from a geologic repository...

Defining the Need for and Functions of the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
A series of system studies of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System were conducted by the Department of Energy (DOE) to determine the role for a Monitored Retrievable Waste...

Trends in Waste Management Program Costs: An Evolution of Estimating Methods and Results
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of how the program cost projections contained in the five TSLCC analyses performed to-date and the estimating methods used to make these...

A Demonstration of the Systems Integration Modeling System (SIMS) as a Decision-Support Tool
In April 1989, the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) Integration Branch completed major demonstration of the Systems Integration Modeling System (SIMS). That system...

Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project
The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) is sponsoring the Facility Interface Capability Assessment Project to determine current and potential...

Acceptance of Spent Fuel of Varying Characteristics
This paper is a preliminary overview of a study with the primary objective of establishing a set of acceptance selection criteria and corresponding spent fuel characteristics to be incorporated...

Materials Selection Issues for Structural Components of Transportation Casks
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is evaluating the use of alternate materials (i.e. other than stainless steel) as structural components in nuclear spent fuel transportation casks. This...

Experience with Certifying Borated Stainless Steel as a Shipping Cask Basket Material
The original cask designs for a cask demonstration project featured fuel baskets constructed of borated stainless steel (bss) as a structural material. The project is intended to demonstrate...

DOE-EM/Producers Strategy for Wasteform and Process Startup Acceptance
The high-level waste (HLW) sites are working closely with the Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (DOE-EM) to ensure that the activities...

Vitrification of Defense High Level Radioactive Waste at Savannah River and Hanford
The Department of Energy (DOE) is in the process of implementing two major elements of the Defense High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Program at two of the DOE production sites, namely...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management at the Savannah River Site
This paper describes the High Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) generated at the Savannah River Site (SRS), outlines how it has been managed over the 35 years since site operations began,...

Prototype Testing for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U.S. Department of Energy, through its Yucca Mountain Project Office (YMPO), has been conducting prototype activities in welded and non-welded tuff. These activities are in preparation...

The International Stripa Project: Technology Transfer From Cooperation in Scientific and Technological Research on Nuclear Waste Disposal
The Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) sponsors the International Stripa Project. The Stripa Project is open to participation...

Dispute Resolution ? A New Approach for Public Acceptance of the High-Level Radioactive Waste Mamagement Regulatory System
This paper examines the feasibility of utilizing Dispute Resolution to significantly reduce the numbers of technical disputes subject to litigation in civil courts or before the NRC to...

The Public Consultation Program on Nuclear Fuel Waste Management in Canada
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has conducted a public consultation program (PCP) with public interest groups broadly representative of Canadian society to identify the issues of public...

Social Impact Assessment of Siting the High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada: The Use of Risk Future Scenarios in Survey Research
The proposed siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in the State of Nevada has raised difficult problems with respect to assessing future social impacts. The projection of impacts...

The Development of Small Area Socioeconomic Data to be Utilized for Impact Analysis: Rural Southern Nevada
This paper describes the process by which economic and demographic estimates and projections will be prepared to determine the potential economic and demographic impacts that may result...





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