Microcomputers in Urban Drainage Design
Microcomputers offer an inexpensive method for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of drainage design personnel. This paper discusses some of the benefits and uses of microcomputers...

Applying the Bus Garage Space Requirements Model
The Bus Garage Space Requirements Model (BBARN) is a computer-based model developed by the author to generate a detailed space program for an office/bus maintenance facility. BBARN provides...

Microcomputers and CADD for Roadway Design
In 1984 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) implemented a Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) pilot project to evaluate CADD for performing roadway design functions....

Basic Freeway Section Design and Analysis
This paper presents the development and applications of an interactive, microcomputer-based program, FREWAY, for the design and performance evaluation of a basic freeway section with consideration...

Roadway Alignment Design Using Microcomputers
This paper describes 'Road Design V. 1. 0,' a set of horizontal and vertical alignment routines contained in the Apple software library used by the Department...

A Maintenance Management System for Counties
This paper discusses the capabilities of the software and lists guidelines for implementing microcomputer software in local highway department offices. Although data base and spreadsheet...

Computers Aren't Infallible
Blindly accepting answers just because they are computer-generated does not make for good engineering. Wrong answers may result from software, computer or input problems. Users and programmers...

Micro-CAD: Can It Pay for Itself
A simple financial analysis is presented that forecasts the payback period on an investment in a microcomputer drafting system. The payback period is calculated in months using productivity...

The High-Tech Civils
Computers are entering virtually every aspect of our lives. Two civil engineers are easing the way computers enter the life of the engineer. Charles Miller, president of CLM/Systems, Orlando,...

Construction Research Applied to Practice
The five papers compiled in these proceedings of the ASCE technical session Construction Research Applied to Practice represent important contributions to the construction industry. Four...

Damage Mechanics and Continuum Modeling
Historically, the structural and mechanical engineers are conditioned to model a material in a purely phenomenological sense with little or no regard to underlying physical phenomenon...

Managing Computers
The papers in this book address the impacts of computers on the organization, the individual, and project management. On the organizational level, topics include managing the introduction...

Making Project Control Systems Work
This publication contains four papers that offer both theoretical and practical advice on how to make control systems more effective on design and construction projects. The use of automated...

Richart Commemorative Lectures
The geotechnical specialty known as soil dynamics has developed during the past 25 years from a minor role to a mainstream discipline. Professor F. E. Richart has played a major role in...

Putting CADD to Work
Case histories show that engineering with CADD is no longer experimental. Projects reviewed in this article include an office/shop building for an electrical utility, a flood plain site...

Portables Pay Off
A portable microcomputer with appropriate software, utilities and copies of job related records can establish a field office for almost any project. Examples of applications for the onsite...

Accounting for CADD Center Costs
The purpose of developing a CADD cost center is to segregate all costs related to the CADD operation so that you may receive fair compensation for CADD usage and to ensure fair charges...

Data Base in Your City's Future?
The city of Bellevue, Wash. computerized its public works maps in 1979 because Bellevue was using the county's maps, and their updating wasn't keeping up with suburban growth. Now this...

Microcomputer Applications Within the Urban Transportation Environment
The advent of microcomputer systems has created an opportunity to enhance the productivity and efficiency of transportation operations through improved decision-making capability. The...

Contracting for Software
Custom programs are very expensive; risks are high. The quality of software depends on how well the buyer can define his needs. A checklist is presented for those considering to have their...





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