Flume Experiments on Debris Flow
With the different characteristics of grain motion in debris flow, three layers are vertically divided, i.e., viscous collision layer, inertial collision layer and suspension layer. Both...

Experimental Study on the Flow Properties of Debris Flow
A new flow property model for viscous debris flow was presented in this paper. The results of the flow property model were in good agreement with the results of specific experiments. The...

Evaporation and Snowmelt Estimates from Satellite Data
Satellite imagery has been used to estimate saltwater evaporation and snowmelt runoff. Water surface temperatures can be obtained from satellite thermal infrared data. Saltwater evaporation...

Droughts and Water Supply
The current drought in California and the western U.S. are set in the framework of drought persistence, drought forecasting and reducing the consequences of droughts. During the fifteen...

The Development of a Hydrologic Drought Index and Termination Rate Probabilities
The development of a hydrologic drought index (HDI) based on drought severity is presented along with a new formulation for drought termination probabilities. Results indicate that termination...

Owens Valley Groundwater Basin Proposed Management
The City of Los Angeles imports over 60 percent of its water supply from the Owens River Watershed through a program of groundwater pumping and surface water diversions as a part of the...

Expanding Groundwater Production in Southern California
The incentive to achieve greater conjunctive use in Southern California has been provided by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California through a special pricing mechanism...

Piedmont-Fan Flood Hazard Analysis From Geomorphology and Surface Water Hydrology, Hudspeth County, Texas
A 2-mi2 (5.2 km2) site selected by the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority was technically...

Large Floods and Climate Change in the Southwestern United States
Floods can have a tremendous impact on water resources but their properties may fluctuate at frequencies that defy recognition in short-term instrumented records. Paleoflood deposits provide...

Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater Resources in the Central Valley of California
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is evaluating the feasibility of incorporating a conjunctive use program into the State Water Project (SWP) to augment its delivery capability...

Feasibility of Stormwater for Recharge in the Las Vegas Valley
Rapid growth in the Las Vegas Valley has increased the pressure on the limited water supply. The increased water demand has stimulated public interest in water conservation and the potential...

Harvest of Ephemeral Runoff for Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Arid Basin Water Management
Harvest of springtime flow to a playa in Lemmon Valley, north of Reno, was evaluated as a means of increasing local groundwater supplies through artificial recharge. Surface water and...

Management Strategies for Baseflow Augmentation
Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) livestock management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4)...

Waves in a Fluid Mud Layer Flowing Down an Incline
To model the dynamics of fluid mud, lava, or debris with a high concentration of cohesive clay particles, we consider a thin sheet of Bingham plastic fluid flowing down a slope. The Bingham...

Field Observation of Roll-waves in Debris Flow
In 1979, the observatory of debris flow was set up in the Hase River of Mt. Sakurajima in Japan which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Obvious roll-waves on each debris...

Water Budget Analysis for Semi-Arid Alluvial Basins
In developing arid basins in the southwestern United States, the availability of suitable water supplies is of critical importance. Scarcity of dependable, perennial streams and rivers...

Groundwater Depletion and Salinity in Yazd, Iran
The central Iranian plateau contains part or all of five provinces and covers more than a third of the total area of Iran (Figure 3). This area has one of the most unfavorable hydrologic...

Watershed Modeling of The Western Coast Wadis of Egypt
The main goal of this paper is to present the water resources assessment from both surface and ground-water resvoirs of the western coast watersheds in Egypt. Two submodels were used for...

Regional Flood-Frequency Relations for Streams with Many Years of No Flow
In the southwestern United States, flood-frequency relations for streams that drain small arid basins are difficult to estimate, largely because of the extreme temporal and spatial variability...

Cyclic Streamflow Test for Validity of Randomness
Long-term Arizona runoff records used for flood insurance frequency analysis estimates are compared with long-term precipitation station records for cyclic behavior. Runoff cumulative...





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