Hydro System Enhancement: TVA's Comprehensive Hydropower Program
The Tennessee Valley Authority's Comprehensive Hydropower Program is systematically identifying opportunities for increasing hydroelectric generation in five areas: small...

Seismic Isolation System for a Floating Dry Dock
The seismic isolation system consists of two dolphins, each a relatively large-diameter cantilevered steel pipe pile anchored in Franciscan rock, and buffered connections to the floating...

LRFD Format for Transmission Structures
The structural design of high voltage electric transmission lines in the US is usually governed by the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). A simple reliability-based Load and Resistance...

Wind Loads on Electrical Transmission Structures
Guidelines for structural loads on electrical transmission structures were prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers' Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures....

A Field Study of Wind-Induced Conductor Loads
A 161 kV steel pole line in Omaha, Nebraska, is instrumented to provide conductor load field data due to climatic events. Various transducers and monitoring equipment used for data acquisition...

Steel Poles?Past, Present and Future
When using steel pole structures, construction possibilities are limitless. Of all the options available, tubular steel structures provide the most versatility for transmission line construction....

Lattice Tower Design Using Cold-Formed Shapes
The use of cold-formed shapes in lieu of hot-rolled angles may lead to major changes in the design of lattice transmission towers. The design procedure of the new shapes is more creative,...

Innovations in Prestressed Concrete Structures
Prestressed concrete poles are probably the best choice for most transmission line structures. They have many advantages over structures made from other materials for both engineering...

Cold-Formed Angles for Transmission Towers
Cold-formed members enable the engineer to design transmission towers that may be more cost-effective than those built with hot-rolled angles. Members can be designed to closely fit the...

Design and Test of Cold Formed Steel Members
Latticed systems represent the most spread and low-cost solution for electrical trasmission towers, when ground conditions do not affect the design choice. Steel angles have been used...

Bolted Connections for Steel Towers
Laced electrical transmission towers require on-site assembly. Consequently, the number of bolts and pieces are important considerations in the total cost of the structures. ASTM A394(1)...

IEEE/ASCE TransmissionStructure Foundation Design Guide
The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Subcommittee on Foundation Design for High-Voltage Transmission Structures was formed in October 1976. The purpose of the Subcommittee...

TLMRF Research Initiatives
The research initiatives of the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) structural development project RP2016-03 are described. The interrelationship of these initiatives with cosponsored...

Strain Gaging and Data Acquisition at the TLMRF
Strain gages are the major source of data for the TLMRF (Transmission Line Mechanical Research Facility) research program. Measurement of member loads and bending moments in lattice towers...

Strength Data Base for LRFD of Transmission Lines
Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) has been proposed as a desirable alternative or a complement to the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) for the structural...

Iceberg Impact Load on a Gravity Based Structure
The mechanics of the eccentric collision of an iceberg against a fixed, rigid, gravity based structure are discussed. A closed form solution is derived for the case of infinite friction...

Design Evaluations in Support of Offshore Facilities and Gravel Islands in the Arctic
Development of oil resources in Northern Alaska has involved the design of nearshore and offshore facilities and structures in the Beaufort Sea and Prudhoe Bay in water depths ranging...

Design of Modular Structures for the Arctic
Sohio's efforts to continue the production and initial processing oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska requires additional production enhancement equipment on the Alaskan North Slope...

Snow Load Design for Colorado Mountains
During the past decade, Colorado mountain construction has experienced a period of rapid growth. New ski resorts and other business developments have resulted in many new facilities. For...

An Economical Approach to Receiving Coal by Rail in the Sub-Arctic Environment
During the period 1983 to early 1985 a multimillion dollar coal transfer facility was designed and constructed in Seward, Alaska. The facility transfers coal from rail cars to temporary...





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