Automated Maintenance at Mendocino Transit
The Mendocino Transit Authority has been using the Fleet Controller, a vehicle maintenance cost control micro-computer program, for nearly a year. This paper describes the set-up and daily...

Operating Considerations for Automated Maintenance
There are a number of potential problem areas which can severely hamper the successful implementation of a Maintenance Management Information System. These problem areas are identified...

The Utility of Paratransit Database Management
Paratransit administrators are keenly interested in ways to improve their collection, management, and reporting of data. Many agencies currently use manual procedures or mainframe computer...

Colonial Taxi Inc.'s Experience with Multi-User Microcomputers and a Commercially Available DBMS
PAX-1 is a comprehensive database management system, developed by paratransit and taxi operators/managers, tailored to a particular operation - whether 5 or 500 vehicles are operated....

On-Line Color Graphics for Demand-Responsive Scheduling
Scheduling and dispatching a fleet of vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for transportation to and from various points in an urban area can be a complex proposition. Human controllers...

Kern County Planning Department Microcomputer Based Census Data System
The development of the IBM PC microcomputer Census Data System used by Kern County Planning was started in July, 1984, and continues to be in the process of development. The system provides...

Using Census Data on Microcomputers
There is a growing demand for microcomputer data base systems that can store and retrieve information from the census. However, there is a shortage of software that can perform these functions....

Graphics-Based Transportation Modelling with DIME/GADS/NEDS
Graphics helps analysts, policy-makers and the public understand the inter-relationships of land use patterns and transportation systems. A suite of graphics-based programs provide a decision-support...

Subarea Transportation Planning on Micros
This paper describes the adaptation of the regionwide travel forecasting models developed for the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study (OUATS) for application at the subregion and subarea...

Regional Planning Models Used in Subarea Windows
The typical regional travel-forecasting model has historically been confined to use on a mainframe computer. In an effort to reduce costs and allow computer hardware options, a three-tiered...

Use of Lotus 1-2-3 for Transportation Planning
The spreadsheet program is one of the most powerful software developed for microcomputer application. This paper demonstrates the use of a spreadsheet program (Lotus 1-2-3) on a microcomputer...

Innovative Applications of a Transportation Planning Package
The 'hands-on' capability afforded by micros is dramatically reducing the protracted study durations and high computing costs which characterized earlier transportation...

Long Range Element Update in Duluth, Minnesota
This paper discusses the use of microcomputer transportation planning software packages to update the Long Range Element of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Two...

Application of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Micro-Computer Based Quick Response System (QRS) Software to the Analysis of a 200 and 400 Acre Comprehensive Plan Change From Residential to High Tech Land-Use
The purpose of this study was to identify major changes in traffic volumes and generally the transportation implications caused by changing the Comprehensive Plan on a large area in the...

Microcomputer Site Models for Project Analysis
In 1984, the Genesee Transportation Council, the MPO for the Rochester New York area, undertook a study with the City of Rochester Bureau Of Planning and Zoning to investigate how microcomputers...

Traffic Planning Using Interactive Color Graphics
This paper describes the MULATM microcomputer traffic planning model, as an example of the possible uses for microcomputers in transportation planning. These uses include interactive input/output,...

Database Systems in Transit Management
This paper describes the use of microcomputer database managers by transit operators. The findings are based on a survey of transit operations of various sizes in the southwest U. S. in...

Portable Micros in Transportation Data Collection
The use of mainframe, mini and microcomputers has become widespread among transportation engineers and planners as a means of improving the comprehensiveness and accuracy of data analysis...

Microcomputers in Construction Management
The availability of low cost microcomputers provides the construction engineer an opportunity to exploit the use of computer technology. This paper discusses the answers to six questions...

Applications of Microcomputers for Bridge Design
This paper examines the role of microcomputers in the design divisions of state departments of transportation, specifically in bridge design applications. Consideration is given primarily...





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