Recycling Portland Cement Concrete Pavement at the Contractor's Option
This paper summarizes three portland cement concrete airfield pavement recycling projects at the Outagamie County Airport in Appleton, Wisconsin. The specifications for the projects did...
Nighttime Cement Concrete Pavement Replacement Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Several airfield improvement projects are currently underway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac), many of which are being constructed using cement concrete pavement. Due...
California Airports: Ground Access Vehicle Trips, Emissions and Emission Reduction Strategies
The following paper discusses the volume of trips and emissions associated with ground access vehicles to an d from California airports, and potential ways to reduce these emissions. this...
Bio-Remediation of Simulated Fire Training Facility
A leaking aviation fuel underground storage tank system utilized for fire fighting training at the Will Rogers World Airport was removed by Oklahoma City Department of airports personnel....
Environment-Friendly Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluid
NASA Ames has formulated a unique candidate non-glycol based freezing point depressant (FPD) fluid material that performs essentially the same or superior to currently used glycol based...
Rail Service to Airports
Rail service is available at seven North American airports, and service is available by a shuttle bus connection at more than nine other North American airports. Additionally, rail service...
Rail-Air: A Multi-Modal Opportunity in a Changing World
The purpose of this Paper is to examine the applicability of rail links to major airports and the benefits they can bring. It will seek to identify the key success factors and the extent...
Switzerland: Rail Access to Airports and the Fly-Luggage System
Swissair and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) offer a unique service for air passengers travelling to and from their Swiss airport of departure or arrival. In conjunction with private...
Optimal Supply of Parking at Airports
The design capacity of parking facilities at airports is generally estimated in relation to one or more standard decision variable such as enplaning passengers, number of employees, and...
Cost Considerations in Planning Pier Terminals
The deregulation of the air transport economy is gradually leading to the involvement of private developers in airport terminal financing. Even the airports run by government agencies...
Airports and Air Quality Issues - the European Perspective
This paper presents a detailed review of air quality studies at European Airports since 1986. It also provides a brief analysis of the air quality section of a recent ACI (Europe) environmental...
Removal Of Chromium From Groundwater Using Permeable Barriers: An Aquifer Simulation Study
Previous efforts to remediate groundwater contaminated by chromium-bearing industrial wastes have involved post-extraction methods, whereby groundwater is pumped to the surface treated...
Operational Interactive Hydrologic Forecasting with the National Weather Service River Forecast System
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) consists of several major hydrometeorologic subcomponents to model the physics of the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle....
BPA Realtime Hydrologic Forecasting System for the Columbia River Basin
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) markets and distributes the hydroelectric power produced at 30 federal projects in the Columbia River Basin. In order to plan the System's coordinated...
A Satellite Based River Forecast System for the Nile River
The initial version of the Nile Forecasting System developed by NOAA was used operational in July, 1993. Forecast System accuracy exceeded expectations. The Nile Forecast Center is now...
Optimization of Reservoir Releases to Control River Sedimentation Using Differential Dynamic Programming
A new methodology is developed to address sedimentation control in alluvial rivers downstream of reservoirs. An optimization model is posed as a discrete-time optimal control problem to...
Alameda Creek Water Resources Study
San Francisco Water Department is investigating water management policies for Alameda Creek to enhance both water development and fisheries. Preliminary investigations indicate that an...
Application and Benefits of Aquifer Recharge in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Sangre de Cristo Water Company (SDCW) operates a water supply and treatment system that serves the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Water is supplied to the system by the City Well Field,...
The Effect the Central Utah Project Will Have On Water Conservation in Utah
On October 30, 1992, the U.S. Congress passed the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustments Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-575.) This law included the Central Utah Completion Act...
The Effects of Spatial Resolution in Modeling the North Fork Drainage of the Gunnison River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) is a modular, distributed-parameter, watershed modeling system developed for use in evaluating the effects of climate...
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