TBM Tunnel Friction Values for the Kerckhoff 2 Project
In the mid-1970's Pacific Gas and Electric Company began design of the Kerckhoff 2 Hydroelectric Project, which supplements the Kerckhoff 1 project built in 1919. The Kerckhoff...

Headrace Design Studies for the Jim Falls Hydro-Redevelopment Project
The 48 MW Jim Falls Hydropower Redevelopment project on the Chippewa River, Wisconsin, required extensive model studies to facilitate debris sluicing and to prevent intermittent vortex...

Low Head Hydraulic Model Justifies Cost
In many cases, developers of low head hydroelectric plants fail to use physical hydraulic modelling as a tool in the design process. Economic constraints are often cited as the primary...

Model Studies for Potential Modification of Pardee Spillway
East Bay Municipal Utility District, a public water supply agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, is examining the spillway adequacy of its primary water supply reservoir. Flood routing...

Pit Turbine Technology for Low Head Hydro Projects
Manufacturers of hydro generating equipment have developed designs that are adaptable to existing dams and suitable for upgrading and redevelopment of existing hydro plants. The pit turbine...

Bureau of Reclamation Uprating Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is an agency of the Department of the Interior and was established in 1902 to oversee the development and conservation of the Nation's water resources...

Economic Evaluation of Replacement Turbine Runner Bids
Many owners of hydro facilities are investigating increasing plant capacity and output by upgrading existing hydraulic turbines. Typically, the owner will conduct a detailed feasibility...

Potential for Upgrading the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant
This paper summarizes the feasibility of increasing the generating capacity of the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant by replacing the turbine runners, upgrading the generators, and replacing...

The Design of the Nanpil River Hydropower Project
In 1980, the State of Pohnpei (then spelled Ponape) asked the Pacific Ocean Division of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to investigate the feasibility of constructing a hydroelectric...

Major Hydraulic Turbine Operation and Maintenance Problems Experienced by the Corps of Engineers
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is the largest owner/operator of hydroelectric power generating facilities in the United States with 344 generating units, having an installed capacity...

Synopsis of Harry S. Truman Turbine Repair
The Harry S. Truman Powerplant was designed and constructed under the supervision of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and is located on the Osage River near Warsaw, Missouri. During 1981...

Turbine Efficiency Monitoring Utilizing Ultrasonic Flowrate Measurement
On-line turbine efficiency measurement can be achieved by ultrasonic flowrate measurement and state-of-the-art data acquisition techniques. A field performance test program conducted at...

Design and Commissioning of the Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project
The Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project consists of a single horizontal-shaft double-regulated S-type unit, rated 3440 kW, utilizing a programmable controller for unit operation together...

Generator/Motors and Adjustable-Speed Drives for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant
This paper describes the pumping and generating units and associated electrical equipment planned for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant. Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant is to be located near Phoenix,...

Control and Tests of Tims Ford Induction Generator
This paper will discuss the electrical control scheme and commissioning tests developed for a small induction generator installed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) at its Tims Ford...

McNary Powerhouse Generating Unit 14 Stator Core and Winding Replacement
The powerhouse contains 14 main generating Kaplan-blade units, each rated at 73,684 kVA at 0. 95 power factor. In early 1985 the decision to rewind and uprate Unit 14 was being finalized....

Hydropower in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
The Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project is unique in that it is the only energy project to be constructed in a National Wildlife refuge. A National Wildlife Refuge has few equals to blocking...

The Stanley Canyon Conduit Hydroelectric Project
The Stanley Canyon Hydroelectric Project is an excellent example of the maximum use of a natural resource. The project is a combined water supply and hydroelectric facility which received...

Simply Complex
In California, after years of uncertainties and overcoming a complex myriad of hurdles, a major 205. 5 MW hydroelectric development project, financed by Northern California Power Agency,...

Rehabilitation of TVA's Great Falls Project
After seventy-one years of productive service, this two-unit, 31,860 kV plant is undergoing a major rehabilitation. The deterioration of the project has been of concern since the beginning...





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