Unlocking Arena Gridlock
The Charlotte Coliseum features a $22 million reversible lane system, which provides easier access to and from 8,000 parking spaces. To improve access to the arena, a 3.6 mi road extension...

HELP is on The Way
Hill and Davies describe current progress on the development of a Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate (HELP) system in the United States. The HELP system concept combines automatic...

Small Project Management
Effective management of the small project must guard against overmanagement. Quick, accurate project tracking is required since small projects normally have short schedules, and adjustments...

Monitoring Vibration
Vibration monitoring for construction projects is increasing rapidly. Instrumentation for measuring structural response to blasting began in the mining industry with research by the U.S....

Pilot Bore Pays Off
The primary purpose of tunneling through Cumberland Mountain is to ease the 18,000 vehicle per day traffic through the rugged terrain that was a major transportation route when Daniel...

Recent Advances in Structural Rehabilitation Techniques for Underground Sewer Pipelines
A great challenge for the coming years, if not decades, will be the repair, renovation and renewal of the existing sewerage systems in the Federal Republic of Germany in the interest of...

Case Histories of Sulfide Corrosion
Section 522 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of sulfide corrosion and control options in collection and treatment...

Advances in Trenchless Sewer System Reconstruction
The new developments and refinements in trenchless reconstruction technologies now permit total sewer system rebuilding of collectors, interceptors, manholes, service laterals, and force...

Review of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method) Technology
The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL) conducted the first demonstration of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method, formerly Pipe Insertion Machine) technology for...

Whatever Happened to Long-Term Bridge Design?
The Chairman of the Board of one of the leading engineering firms in the nation ponders the future of American bridges. In today's designing of bridges, Thomas R. Kuesel points...

Anchorage Sewer Rehabilitation in Campbell Lake
This paper discusses the proposed rehabilitation/replacement of the Campbell Lake portion of the Campbell Creek C-5 Trunk Sewer (C-5 Trunk) located in Anchorage, Alaska. The original corrugated...

Whitfield Reservoir Inlet Outlet Pipeline
Alameda County Water District reports on the planning, design and construction of a 48-inch water main installed under modern urban circumstances. The location of the pipe and the construction...

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Discount Rates and Inflation
Life Cycle Cost Analysis techniques are useful for comparing alternatives that have differing cash flows over the expected life of a project. The selection of an appropriate discount rate...

Creative Connections: Bridges as Art
Princeton University professor of civil engineering David P. Billington, at the invitation of civil engineering professors at Tokyo University, tours Japan and critiques several of the...

Shop Drawings: In Need of Respect
Engineer Robert L. Boehmig voices his concerns regarding the preparation of structural shop drawings. He gives his view of the shop drawing's role in construction projects,...

Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper is an overview of engineering and concept development for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Project. The paper presents a general description of the...

Preliminary Methodology for Design of Stable Drifts for the Yucca Mountain Project
The Yucca Mountain Project is investigating the feasibility of locating a high-level radioactive nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The conceptual design of the repository...

Volcano-Tectonic Interpretations: An Example from the Northern Basin & Range
Study of volcano-tectonic relationships in the Northern Basin and Range suggests a temporal relationship between basin propagation and the inception of volvanism. The age relationships...

The Area of Most Recent Volcanism Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Implications for Volcanic Risk Assessment
The proposed area of most recent volcanism (AMRV) includes all known post-6 Ma volcanic complexes in the Yucca Mountain area and encompasses the four volcanic centers in Crater Flat, the...

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program and Regulatory Strategy
The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program during the pre-licence application phase consists of activities in the following four areas:...





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