Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources: Results from a Study by the American Association for Advancement of Science
The time horizon of the changes that might occur is similar to the time required for planning, approval, funding, construction and economic life of such major water facilities as dams,...

Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Runoff
This paper examines forecasts of changes in watershed runoff in the Delaware River basin that result from a range of predicted effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)...

Simulation of Precipitation by Weather-Type Analysis
A new approach that uses weather-type analysis as a basis for stochastic precipitation modeling was developed and tested for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The weather types permit the identification...

Effects of Runoff Changes and Sea Level Rise on Salinity in the Delaware River Estuary
The objective of this study is to investigate changes in the spatial distribution of salt in the Delaware Estuary resulting from climate induced changes in freshwater inflows and in the...

Impact of Risk-Based Analysis on Hydrologic Design Practices
This paper provides a brief review of the current hydrologic design practices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for safety inspection of dams and the current hydrologic design...

Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...

Special Hydraulic Problems Related to Coastal Louisiana Drainage Systems
The urbanized coastal areas of southeast Louisiana present unique problems for hydraulic engineers. These problems relate to the design of drainage systems serving leveed areas with flat...

Retention of the First Inch of Runoff in Coastal Areas
More and more state agencies are requiring development to retain the first inch of runoff from impervious coverage and release this runoff only through evaporation and/or infiltration....

Drainage Problems in a Highly-Developed Shoreline Area
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, is a 42-square mile barrier island on the south-east coast Flooding of roads and properties is a continual problem in this low-lying, flat area due...

Conditional Simulation of the Wilmington Sand-Shale Sequence, Los Angeles Basin
In shaly clastic reservoirs at a scale where vertical cross flow cannot be ignored the main source of heterogeneity is the apparent random geometry of the sand-shale sequence. That geometry...

Two Case Studies of Stochastic Identification of Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters and Natural Recharge
A method to identify aquifer transmissivity, storativity and natural recharge (inverse modeling), based on a geostatistical approach is presented. The basic assumptions of the method are...

Sediment Ramping at Mill Creek
A Corps of Engineers study completed in 1988 analyzed this ramping phenomenon Mill Creek in Southern California Using an approach which combined sedimentation research with Corps experience...

Extraction of Terrain Features from Digital Elevation Models
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are being used to determine variable inputs for hydrologic models in the Delaware River basin. Recently developed software for analysis of DEMs has been...

Geographic Information System/Watershed Model Interface
Geographic information systems allow for the interactive analysis of spatial data related to water-resources investigations. A conceptual design for an interface between a geographic information...

Interfacing Geographic Information System Data with Real-Time Hydrologic Forecasting Models
This paper discusses a plan to incorporate remotely sensed spatial data into a real time hydrologic decision support system. Because of the nature of the hydrologic forecasting system,...

Hydraulic Analysis of the Schoharie Creek Bridge
Ten people died on April 5, 1987 as a result of the collapse of two spans of a New York State Thruway bridge into the floodwaters of Schoharie Creek. The cause of the bridge failure was...

The Illinois GIS and Hydrologic Database
Development of the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS) from 1983 to the present is described including the hardware configuration and ARC/INFO software. The database design at...

GIS Applications to the Water Resources Development Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The ability that a Geographic Information System (GIS) offers to quickly reference multiple data sets to an overall base map and to one another provides the potential opportunity to greatly...

Jet Injection Model Studies for the City of Los Angeles
The Hypersion Treatment Plant for the City of Los Angeles is currently undergoing an expansion project. A major component of this system is a sludge recycling system. And it is essential...

Underwater Tunnel Inspection by Virginia Power Using a Submersible Robot
The Bath County Pumped Storage Station, has three large tunnels linking the upper and lower reservoirs. The 'Hydrover' submersible remotely operated vehicle (ROV)...





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