Pavement Management Systems: Selecting Maintenance Priorities
Realization of the need to maintain a safe, serviceable network of highways in the US has led to the development of a systematic, consistent procedure for managing resources necessary...

A Market Pricing Approach to Fares
The Chicago Transit Authority's (CTA's) historical 'one city - one fare' policy overlooks an important principle elucidated in the current...

Managing Limited Transportation Resources in Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation
This paper will not describe systems, but rather a management approach which has proved successful in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The following examples illustrate the...

Managing for the Eighties
In a period where fiscal constraints will mandate a new approach to managing limited financial resources, serious consideration must be given to developing new strategic policies relating...

Map Uses, Scales and Accuracies for Engineering and Associated Purposes
This publication is designed to aid engineers and others in obtaining maps suitable for use in engineering and associated work. Such maps must have the proper contour interval, map scale,...

The Incidence, Monitoring, and Treatment of Viruses in Water Supply Systems
A State-of-the Art Review
Two areas of growing concern in water treatment and public health are the potential for spread of viruses by water routes and the adequacy of current treatment and disinfection practices...

Liability in Construction Management
The concept of professional construction management has emerged and developed over the past decade in response to pressures for faster and more economical project completions. This has...

Improving Productivity
The papers presented in this publication discuss the different levels within an organization for improving productivity. The three main areas covered include: (1) Tracking and controlling...

Advisory Notes on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
A Report
A state-of-the-art review of seismic design of lifeline facilities is presented including some insight as to how lifeline facilities have performed in past earthquakes. Information is...

In Search of Ancient Engineers
Many examples of pre-Columbian civil works have been uncovered in North and South America. Some reflect well-organized technologies comparable to those of the Old World of the same time...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in Australia
This report highlights urban hydrological activity in Australia in the period 1979-1983, since the earlier reports by Aitken (1976) and Aitken and Laurenson (1979). The high level of interest...

Urban Hydrology and Catchment Research in the United Kingdom - Progress Since 1979
The Wallingford Procedure for the design and analysis of urban drainage systems was released in late 1981 for use by drainage engineers in the United Kingdom. This was the most significant...

Progress in Urban Hydrology in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1979
The importance of urban water problems have been increasingly realized in the 70's also in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). State authorities, communities, universities,...

New Developments in Urban Hydrology in France from 1979 to 1982
The period of 1979-1982 is characterized by an important growth of the number of research studies, and financial investments for practical applications of research results. That growth...

Prgoress Since 1979 in India
Since India is a developing nation urban flood control benefits which are 'negative goods' have a low priority. Recently there is an increased awareness in India...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Venezuela
Rapid population growth and the concentration of almost 40% of the total population (1981 Census) in the narrow valleys of the northern mountain ranges, a tropical climate with a very...

Progress on IHP Project A.2.9.
The initial work of Unesco in the area of urban hydrology was done by the Subgroup on the Effects of Urbanization on the Hydrological Environment during the International Hydrologic Decade...

Passive Solar and Daylighting Cut Building's Energy Use
The headquarters building for Gulf Mineral Resources Co. near Denver requires about one-quarter of the energy generally used in a new conventional building. A double skin provides a thermal...

Economics of Regionalization
This report investigates some of the arguments for and against regionalization of systems in the water supply industry. The history, potential advantages, disadvantages and costs and benefits...

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided...





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