Nature-Based Tourism: An Alternative for Rural Coastal Economic Enhancement
Nature-based tourism has a growing potential to provide rural coastal areas with a form of economic development compatible with conservation. Given the growing interest in nature-based...

The Economic Benefits of Hurricane and Storm Damage Reductiohn
The Mobile District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently evaluating the feasibility of a hurricane and storm damage reduction project at Panama City Beach, Florida. Under Corps...

NOAA's Tampa Bay Oceanography Project
The Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment of NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) is presently conducting the Tampa Bay Oceanography Project (TOP). TOP was undertaken...

Environmental Monitoring Systems?A Case Story?The Great Belt
The law passed by the Danish Parliament on the construction of a combined bridge and tunnel across the 18 km wide Great Belt, included an environmental design criteria. This has initiated...

Sampling Strategies Proposed to Monitor Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brasil
Guanabara Bay is characterized as a tropical system of estuarine nature and high biological productivity, that undergoes serious environmental problems. Despite its advanced state of degradation,...

Effect of Wind on Coastal Construction in Florida
The State of Florida's tidal shoreline is 8,426 miles long. Both the east and the west coast of Florida is subjected to several coastal storms each year. The present study...

Using GIS Technology in Assessing the Impact of the SC Beachfront Management Act Following Hurricane Hugo
The 1988 South Carolina Beachfront Management Act was passed into law as a means to protect South Carolina's valuable and fragile coastline by ensuring a gradual retreat from...

Citizen Monitoring Component of the Maryland Targeted Watershed Project
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has conducted a water quality testing program using volunteers since July of 1985. This program has laid the foundation for volunteers to help Bay managers...

California's Adopt-a-Beach: More Than Just a Cleanup
California's Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup and Recycling Program is in its seventh year of dramatic growth. Beginning as an annual one-day cleanup, it has now expanded year 'round...

Headland Breakwaters in the Chesapeake Bay
The purpose of this paper is to document and evaluate the use of headland breakwaters in the Chesapeake Bay. Headland breakwater systems have been installed in the Chesapeake Bay since...

Fishery Management Implications of the U.S. Territorial Sea Extension
The Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (MFCMA) declares a national standard that '[t]o the extent practicable, an individual stock of fish shall be managed...

Beachfront Management After Nollan?Facing the Challenge of Unconstitutional Taking Claims
In 1977, South Carolina enacted the Coastal Tidelands and Wetlands Act. Ramifications of the Act are discussed....

Restoration Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cases
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, provides natural resource trustees authority for recovering compensatory damages...

Tidal Dynamics and Estuarine Management in the Humber Estuary, England
The rate at which tidal energy is dissipated, that is the power expenditure, at any point along an estuary is dependent on the morphology of the estuary. The most important of the morphological...

The Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program ? A Model
Details of the Dean John A Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program are discussed in this paper. Eligibility, application process, and selection criteria are included....

Assessing the Needs of Coastal Zone Management Education for the 1990s
Since the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA, 72) was enacted in 1972, nearly two decades ago, a profession of coastal zone managers has emerged. To meet the growing demand created for...

Public Education and Participation: The Foundation of Success for CRM in Developing Countries
If initiatives in coastal resources management (CRM) are to succeed and be effective, not only must they be technically sound but they must be accepted as necessary, reasonable and fair....

Changing Socio-Economic Conditions in the Hamilton Harbour (Ontario) Area: Implications for Harbour Remediation
The 1987 Protocol amending the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 called for the preparation of Remedial Action Plans for forty-two Areas of Concern (typically polluted harbours...

Citizen Views on Great Lakes Policy: A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. Publics
This study investigates Canadian and American public opinion concerning the use of public funds to restore and protect Great Lakes coastal areas. Based upon survey data collected among...

Shipwreck Management in Michigan's Great Lakes
From the year 1679, when Sier de la Salle's legendary trading ship, the Griffin set sail and disappeared on its maiden voyage, to 1975 when the Edmund Fitzgerald went down...





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