Effects of Deterioration on Safety and Reliability of Structures
Deterioration of structural and non-structural elements in commercial, industrial and residential constructions is of general concern to investors, design engineers, architects, contractors...

The Mile High Dream
For the 1986 Tall Buildings Conference in Chicago, a group of experts studied the implications of a mile high skyscraper to be built of concrete. It is 500 ft square at the base, designed...

Bridge Management: Computer Aided Priorities
Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation has invested $3.6 million in developing the concept and software for a Bridge Management System that will help determine the needs...

Structural Analysis by Spreadsheet
This is an introduction to and description of use of a spreadsheet to analyze a two-way slab on a microcomputer. The spreadsheet used is Lotus 1-2-3, but the ideas generally apply to many...

In Situ Testing for Lock and Dam 26 Cellular Cofferdam
The in situ testing consisted of split spoon and cone penetration tests, Menard and self-boring pressuremeter tests, and Marchetti dilatometer tests. The testing program proved to be challenging...

Pressuremeter Tests and Shoring Wall Design
Pressuremeter testing was used as an integral part in the design of the temporary tieback shoring wall for the Columbia Center office building in Seattle, Washington. Pressuremeter testing...

In Situ Testing of Calcareous Sand?Campos Basin
Sampling and in situ testing were used to investigate soil conditions for the installation of offshore platforms at the Campos Basin, Brazil. At these sites calcareous sand formations...

Taming Lively Buildings
Mechanical damping systems are increasingly being used for controlling dynamic responses of tall buildings. Several types of dampers are described, and compared, beginning with the three...

New Approaches to Rehabbing Old Dams
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation takes a look at several new ways of building old dams for maximum flooding. A labyrinth spillway was built at Ute Dam near Logan, N.M. to increase reservoir...

Postmodern Engineering
Momentum Place is a postmodern skyscraper in Dallas designed by architects John Burgee and Philip Johnson. The Datum-Moore Partnership, structural engineers, designed the structural system...

Audits & Analyses?New Jersey's Approach
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for implementing environmental policy and administering a regulatory structure based on reliable research and monitoring....

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Stormwater Drainage
Global sea level rise as a result of the greenhouse effect and the past trend and future projection on the rise are discussed. Potential problems associated with coastal stormwater drainage...

Incorporating Judgment into an Optimization Model of a Wastewater Treatment System
The use of design variable constraints according to textbook and state design standards might cause potentially good designs to be missed and would not capture the fuzzy interaction of...

Investigating and Treating Chromium in Ground Water at a Wood Treater in California
A wood treating facility, operating for more than five years without required permits, contaminated soil and ground water on and offsite. The company moved slowly in response to enforcement...

Plunge Pool Energy Dissipators for Some Dams in Taiwan, ROC
This paper presents a brief description of the characteristics of the plunge pool type energy dissipators, including design considerations, hydraulic model tests, as well as the results...

Modeling of the Undular Jump for White Water Bypass
Two of the authors have reported previously on the hazard that a conventional hydraulic jump with a uniform reverse surface roller presents to white water boaters. The intent is to create...

Coastal Protection Guidelines, Orange County, GA
As a result of coastal storms in the past several years the County of Orange (California) incurred large and unanticipated costs in providing emergency protection for private shorefront...

Wave Height Distribution in the Coupled Harbor
Wave height in a harbor sheltered by a breakwater is studied by numerical simulation and experiment. The coupled harbor, attained by setting up double arm breakwaters, was adopted as the...

Solving Stormwater Drainage Problems Through an Area Drainage Master Study Program
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona, is the floodplain and stormwater management agency for the most densely populated county in the State. A major new tool being used...

Outlet Structure Hydraulics
Current detention basin design procedure is to design the outlet structure for two or more return periods. This is sometimes done by combining weirs and/or orifices of various sizes and...





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