Devil Canyon Powerplant Enlargement Project: Electrical Design Problems and Challenges
Devil Canyon Powerplant is a hydroelectric plant facility of the huge California Water Project. This powerplant is located 5 miles north of San Bernandino. It is currently being enlarged...

Distributed Control Applications for Utility Hydroelectric Plants
In 1984, Washington Water Power began a program to improve monitoring and control systems for hydroelectric plants. The control systems being improved with distributed control equipment...

Crest Gates Design for Upper Mechanicville
This paper describes the design of flap-type spillway crest gates for the Upper Mechanicville Project, located on the Hudson River near Mechanicville, New York. These gates are being provided...

Vibration Problems of Penstock Piping for a Vertical Tubular Hydraulic Turbine
Excessive vibration amplitudes were experienced in the vertical gated tubular units at the Great Falls Hydroelectric Project located in the City of Paterson, New Jersey. Vibration amplitude...

Turbine Runner Procurement for the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant Upgrade
Procurement of the new runners involved the selection of two manufacturers who have entered into a design competition in which competing models will be tested in an independent hydraulic...

Uprating, Modernization and Automation of a Vertical Francis Turbine Generating Unit
The power demands of the Boise Cascade Paper Mill in Rumford, Maine are partially satisfied by two hydro-generating plants located in the near vicinity. In 1984 several factors prompted...

Update: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbines
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Both are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...

Design and Installation Concepts for High Capacity Pump/Turbines
This paper discusses the pre-planned field welding and machining operations utilized for six (6) large pump/turbines, each capable of 508 MW at Virginia Power Company's Bath...

Field Efficiency Tests of a Large Pump-Turbine
The New York Power Authority's Blenheim-Gilboa Pumped Storage Project began commercial operation in 1973. In 1987, the Authority initiated a study of the existing pump/turbines...

Pit Turbines, an Economical Solution for Low Heads
The paper describes the experience with pit turbine design and construction at the 8 MW St. Cloud facility located on the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Major topics in the paper include...

Acoustic Flowmeter/Efficiency System Installation at the Niagara Power Project
The New York Power Authority's Robert Moses Niagara Power Project (RMNPP) recently installed an acoustic flowmeter/efficiency system on two 150 MW rated generators. This paper...

Design and Efficiency Testing of a Cross-Flow Turbine
An inexpensive American-made cross-flow turbine was designed, manufactured, and installed at a remote run-of-river site in Northern California. The 400 kW unit includes an innovative automatic...

Hydropower Development at Corps Lakes in Texas
This paper examines case studies of hydropower development at Corps of Engineers lakes in Texas. Hydropower development examined includes installations by the Corps of Engineers as well...

320 KW Hydro Power Plant for Tenwek Hospital, Kenya, East Africa
Due to increasing demand for medical care and growth of hospital and staff facilities, a less costly source of electrical power was needed for the Tenwek hospital to replace the diesel...

Turnkey Hydropower at St. Cloud
The St. Cloud Hydroelectric Project is located at an existing dam on the Mississippi River in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The project consists of a two-gated spillway and an 8.6-megawatt powerhouse...

Nanpil River Hydropower Project
The Nanpil River Hydropower Project is located on the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia, East Caroline Islands located in the Pacific Ocean. The project consists...

Case Study in the Rehabilitation of a Pumped/Storage Installation - Salina Powerhouse Grand River Dam Authority
This paper presents a specific case study in the rehabilitation of a pump/turbine for the Grand River Dam Authority at its Salina plant. The study addresses problems such as cavitation...

Harnessing the Allegheny: Four Low-Head Projects
The navigable portion of the river, extending northeast of Pittsburgh approximately sixty miles, contains eight lock and dam systems under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers...

Crescent and Vischer Ferry Hydroelectric Redevelopment Projects
The owners of aging small hydro plants face a myriad of complex technical, economic, and regulatory challenges as they seek to reliance and prepare their projects for continued operation...

A Non-Federal Development at a Federal Project
The Colebrook River Lake project is a Corps of Engineers multipurpose reservoir located in northwestern Connecticut. The hydro project, designed and built by the Catalyst Energy Corporation...





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