Pre- and Post-Processing Data Management Approach for Eutrophication Model of Peconic Bay, Long Island
A pragmatic data management approach for pre-processing and post-processing of large data sets from numerical models has been applied to a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model...

Eutrophication and Nutrient Enrichment in Peconic Bay: Numerical Model of Historical Conditions of the Mid-1970s
In response to water quality and resource management issues triggered by the brown tide bloom of 1985-88 in the embayments of the Peconic estuary of Long Island, New York, a coupled hydrodynamic...

Eutrophication and Recurrent Hypoxia in the New York Bight: A Synthesis of Historical Data and a Numerical Model of the 1976 Anoxic Event
As a result of oceanographic programs conducted over the past four decades, a large historical data base is available, and has been used, to document areas of recurrent hypoxia and high...

Bay-Wide Model Studies for the Boston Ocean Outfall Siting
Oceanographic data and numerical models were used to evaluate candidate diffuser sites to discharge effluent from Boston's planned secondary treatment plant. The study showed...

Water and Sediment Quality Analyses for the New Boston Wastewater Outfall
This paper describes portions of the farfield hydrodynamic and water quality modeling conducted during preparation of the Boston Harbor Wastewater Conveyance System Supplemental Environmental...

Receiving Water Modeling for CSO Investigations in Boston Harbor
The computer models QUAL2EXP and TEA/ELA were used to model Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) remediation alternatives in Boston Harbor and its major tributaries. The models were adapted to...

Integrating Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models for Patuxent Estuary
A two-dimensional mass transport model has been developed to integrate a hydrodynamic model and a water quality model for the Patuxent Estuary, Maryland. In this study, a two-dimensional,...

Boundary Fitted Estuarine Water Quality Model
A two-dimensional, vertically-averaged boundary fitted coordinate pollutant transport model was developed for application to estuarine and coastal sea regions. The governing convective-diffusion...

Advection-Diffusion Calibration of Dissolved Oxygen
Modifications of J.J. Leendertse's water-quality model for improving calculations of dissolved oxygen concentrations in Jamaica Bay, New York, are discussed. Changes to the...

Contaminant Loading from Fox River to Lower Green Bay
The heavily industrialized lower reach of the Fox River, downstream of the DePere Dam, and lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan, are modeled. Hydrodynamics and contaminant transports to the...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Pollutant Transport
A numerical model for pollutant transport in coastal waters has been developed in x-y-z-t space. The simplicity of a fixed Eulerian mesh and a computationally efficient Lagrangian approach...

Model Comparisons of Oyster Recruitment in Delaware Bay
A second order particle trajectory model using surface currents from a three-dimensional model of Delaware Bay was run for a period equivalent to the larval stage of the oyster C. virginica...

Data-Collection Program for Pamlico River Estuary Model Calibration and Validation
An investigation is being conducted to collect and interpret continuous records relating to the flow characteristics of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina, and to calibrate and...

Recent Progress on Hydrodynamic Modeling of San Francisco Bay, California
A hydrodynamic modeling study of the effects of freshwater inflow on circulation and mixing in San Francisco Bay has been underway since 1985. This paper describes the multidimensional...

Comparison of Computed and Observed Velocities at Three Estuarine Sites
The Generalized, Longitudinal-Vertical Hydrodynamic and Transport model (GLVHT) has been applied to the Patuxent River estuary, the Raritan River Estuary and the Arthur Kill. The applications...

Multidisciplinary Hydrologic Investigations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Future climatic conditions and tectonic processes have the potential to cause significant changes of the hydrologic system in the southern Great Basin, where a nuclear-waste repository...

Water Resources: How Do We Slice the Pie?
New and better ways must be found to: reduce water consumption; preserve environmental values; conserve and protect existing water supplies; use surface and ground water conjunctively;...

A Method for Estimating Peak Flows from Small Agricultural Watersheds
An attempt was made to develop a method for estimating peak runoff from agricultural watersheds by analyzing precipitation and runoff data, and incorporating the results into a procedure...

Impact of Urbanization on Main Stream Flooding
The methodology, results and management implications of a stormwater study at an urban watershed experiencing increasing episodes of flooding along the main channel and flood plain are...

Finite Element Analysis of Hillslope Variations in Surface Runoff
Watershed management decisions are aided through an accurate understanding of hydrologic processes. The finite element method applied to surface runoff with spatially variable hydraulic...





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