Geotechnical Research Needs
A National Science Foundation-ASCE workshop on research needs looked at, among other subfields, geotechnical engineering. The study identified a number of research needs�based on society's...

Building Rehabilitation: The Last Resort
Rehabilitation of buildings often seems initially cheaper than new construction, but the hidden costs of renovation are making many builders prefer new structures. The advantages of new...

St. Louis, City on the Rebound, Willing to Try
Urban renewal plans in St. Louis have focused on giving incentives to private enterprise to develop inner city real estate for commercial, industrial, and residential use. The dollar volume...

Expanding Your Microcomputer's Power
Microcomputers are becoming more versatile and dependable with each new generation of computer hardware and software. There are times, however, when the computational power of a microcomputer...

Construction Research Needs
An ASCE-National Science Foundation Research-needs study examined, among other issues needs in Construction Engineering and Management. The resulting study identifies and prioritizes a...

Structures Around the World�Celebration of Man's Creativity
At the ASCE New York International Convention in May, the most talked about subject was structures. Some of those described are among man's most beautiful and impressive works,...

Improving the Civil Engineering Profession � Essay Contest
Ideas for improving the civil engineering profession are addressed in these three winners of a Honorable Mention in CE's 1980 Essay Contest. In the first article, entitled...

Four Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Landfills, land treatment, mine storage, and deep well injection are four options examined as solutions to the hazardous waste disposal problem. Statistics indicate approximately 40 million...

Value Engineering Cuts Highway Costs
The Oregon State Highway Department's experimental Value Engineering team examined over 40 highway projects in a search cost savings without sacrificing quality. While the...

Synthetic Fabrics for Reinforced Embankments
Non-woven permeable synthetic fabrics have been used in engineering applications for the last ten years. Considerable research has been conducted throughout the world since the first geotechnical...

Engineering�� As If People Mattered
The drive toward analytical precision, scientific sophistication, economic efficiency, and materialistic achievement, and the movement away from the humanist perspective is a current pitfall...

NYC Convention Highlights�� Part III
The final installment of the highlights from ASCE's International Convention held in New York City this past May is presented. (See CE 8/81,pp.68-9,74-5; 9/81, 93-6.) The...

Structural Failures
A relatively few, spectacular failures of new buildings have caught the public attention. Despite the publicity, the track record of structural designers is generally outstanding. Nevertheless,...

Stop the World-- I Want to Get Off!
The essays that won first and third prizes in the 1981 Essay Contest are presented. The first-prize essay, by John Huston, is entitled Stop the world�� I want to get off. It is a satire...

Long Span Roof Structures
The papers included in these proceedings treat a wide range of technical topics related to long span roof structures including new structural concepts, structural stability, the effects...

A Guide to Urban Arterial Systems
The urban arterial system, a link between freeways and local streets, provides for the efficient collection, distribution, and transition of traffic among freeways, collector streets,...

Limit Equilibrium, Plasticity and General Stress-Strain in Geotechnical Engineering
Papers and discussions from the workshop on limit equilibrium, plasticity, and generalized stress-strain in geotechnical engineering are presented. The papers address aspects of the problems...

Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering
Papers are presented from a symposium on the application of probabilistic methods to structural engineering. The first of four sections deals with codes and specifications which are probability...

Planning and Environmental Criteria for Tall Buildings
The role of the tall building in the urban habitat and its interaction with urban systems is examined. It ranges over the full spectrum of engineering, architecture and social sciences....

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing
<p>Remote sensing techniques have come a long way since photographs were taken from hot air balloons in the 1850s. Now, the highly sophisticated field of remote sensing is providing...





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