Irrigation and Drainage
This proceedings, Irrigation and Drainage, consists of papers presented at the National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Engineering held...

Symposium on Ground Water
This proceedings, Symposium on Ground Water, contains papers presented at the International Symposium on Ground Water in Practice, held in...

Waterpower '91
A New View of Hydro Resources
This proceedings, Waterpower '91: a New View of Hydro Resources, consists of papers presented at WATERPOWER '91 Conference...

Rehab Roundup
The concrete exterior of San Franciso's Coit Tower was damaged and the murals were being destroyed by water infiltrating the structure. Interactive Resources, Inc., Point...

Ground-Water Modeling Without Fear
Computerized ground-water modeling has leapt from the cloistered laboratory to the field project as more and more programs are written for the personal computer. These easy-to-understand...

Determination of Vertical Leakage for Nile Valley
The determination of vertical groundwater leakage is particularly important for irrigated agriculture where adequate drainage is required to prevent high water tables and related problems...

Conflict in Water Management of James River, ND
Delivery of water from storage in Jamestown Reservoir to 898 acres of newly developed irrigation along the lower James River by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation during the drought of 1988...

Remediation and Mitigation Associated with Contamination of Water by Irrigation Drainage
Inorganic trace constituent or pesticide contamination problems associated with irrigation drainage from Federally constructed or managed irrigation projects have been identified in several...

Regional Water Supply Needs and Sources, Southwest Florida Water Management District
In 1990, the Southwest Florida Water Management District completed a district-wide water supply needs and sources planning analysis. The SWFWMD needs and sources analysis identifies water...

Yampa River Basin Alternatives Feasibility Study an Example of Conflict Resolution in Water Supply Development
The Yampa River, located in northwest Colorado, is a major tributary of the Green River segment of the Colorado River system. Potential water resource development in the Yampa River Basin...

The Carson and Truckee Rivers Lifeline in the Desert
Nevada is the most arid state in the nation with an average annual precipitation of less than 9 inches (23 cm) over the 110,500 square miles (286,200 sq km). The Truckee, Carson, and Walker...

Restructuring of Water Agencies in Salt Lake Valley, Utah
The Salt Lake Valley consists of a metropolitan area with a population of about one million. Wholesale domestic water supply is provided to this area by two main agencies, namely Salt...

Tampa Bay: A Collaborative Approach to Effective Watershed Management
Rapid urbanization in the Tampa Bay watershed continues to challenge Florida's surface water management efforts. Upgrading of all wastewater treatment facilities substantially...

Freezing Out Sludge
Sludge dewatering is one of the most difficult problems in water and wastewater treatment. This has been especially true for treatment plants in cold regions. Drying beds, the most common...

GIS Plans Wastewater Future
When the Public Works Department began phase 3 construction on Albuquerque, N.M.'s current wastewater treatment plant in 1990, it was time to begin thinking about the next...

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
This proceedings includes 41 of the papers presented at the Second National Specialty Conference on Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems...

Computing in Civil Engineering and Symposium on Data Bases
This proceedings consists of the papers presented at the conference Computing in Civil Engineering and Symposium on Data Bases held in conjunction with A/E/C Systems '91 from May 6-8,...

Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources
This proceedings, Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources, contains papers presented at the 18th Annual Conference...

1991 OCEA Award Nominees
The $1.2 billion I-595/Port Everglades Expressway runs from Port Everglades to I-75, giving traffic a much quicker route from the Miami area to the Gulf Coast. It also links U.S. 1, I-95,...

A Study of Liquefaction Countermeasures for Manholes Under the Pavement
The gravel drain method has proven to be an effective countermeasure for underground structures in liquefying ground. However, due to the road pavement, there is no draining passage through...





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