The Response of Steel Containment Models to Internal Pressurization
To obtain insight and data on the response of containment vessels subjected to beyond design basis accidents, four 1/32 scale steel containment models have been subjected to internal overpressurization,...

Preliminary Analysis of Large Penetration Enclosures for Containment Vessels Subject to Beyond Design Basis Loadings
Numerical simulations of the macro-deformations of the sealing surfaces (gasketed junctures) of a PWR steel containment vessel's equipment hatch subjected to accident loadings...

Modeling Techniques for Seismic Analysis of Supported Systems
An automated seismic qualification process is presented which integrates the modeling and evaluation aspects of supported system design. Emphasis is placed on baseplate and joint design....

Analytical Solution of Cable Tray Hanger 3D Structural Interaction under Seismic Loading
Structural design of cable tray hangers is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's stringent requirements of seismic analysis. A finite element space frame model...

Composite-System Approach for Seismic Analysis of Secondary Systems
An accurate and efficient method for seismic analysis of multiply supported, multi-degree-of-freedom secondary subsystems is developed. The method accurately accounts for the effects of...

A Correlation Study on the Spectrum Decomposition Method
The major elements of the Spectrum Decomposition Method (SDM) are reviewed together with its automated process for generation of in-equipment response spectra (IERS). The floor required...

Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis of a Concrete Suppression Chamber of Mark I Containment System
Recent studies have demonstrated that the interaction between a structure and fluid can have a significant influence on the response of the overall system when subjected to certain dynamic...

Development of Concrete Nuclear Containment (ACI 359) Code Requirements as they Relate to Probability Based Load
The historical development of the load combinations used in concrete containment is presented in the paper. These load combinations are examined and identified in the light of the reasonable,...

Stress Distribution Around the Equipment Hatch Opening of a Prestressed Concrete Containment for a PWR Power Station
Results are reported of a finite element stress analysis for the linear elastic deformation around the equipment hatch opening in prestressed concrete containment. The dimensions and form...

Bayesian Procedure for Evaluation of Containment Capability
The functional requirements of a steel or concrete containment is to maintain the structural integrity as well as the leak-tight integrity of its pressure boundary under specified design...

Determination of Containment Vessel Ultimate Capacity Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Analysis of steel containment vessels is normally performed using linear elastic solutions with allowable stresses specified by applicable design codes. This method gives little indication...

Containment Capability
Section 2. 0 of this report contains a description of analysis methods for the containment structure. Testing on containment models and sections of containments is described. Section 3....

Simplified Design of Flexible Expansion Anchored Plates for Nuclear Structures
The following two phases of the design of expansion anchored plates are discussed in this paper. a) Initial Design. b) Reassessment of as-built conditions. Initial design refers to the...

Evaluation of Non-Ductile Drilled-in Expansion Bolts
This paper provides background and justification for the design of closely spaced non-ductile drilled-in expansion bolts (bolts). It describes testing used to establish allowable design...

Sodium Concrete Reaction ? Structural Considerations
An overview of the sodium concrete reaction phenomenon, with emphasis on structural considerations, is presented. Available test results for limestone, basalt, and magnetite concrete with...

Capability of LMFBR Plant Structures Beyond the Design Base
A study is presented concerning the capability of structures in a loop type Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Plant, the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP), to sustain conditions...

Reduction of Seismic Response in Breeder Plants
Thin-walled vessels to be used in the Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS) of future LMFBR's will be more sensitive to seismic excitation than their equivalents used in conventional...

A New Approach to the Design of Core Support Structures for Large LMFBR Plants
The paper describes an innovative design concept for a LMFBR Core Support Structure. A hanging Core Support Structure is described and analyzed. The design offers inherent safety features,...

Experimental Determination of Fluid-Coupling Coefficients in an Array of Hexagonal Prisms
The problem is related to the seismic analysis of fast breeder reactor cores, where the fluid trapped between the subassemblies is known to have a considerable influence on the core response....

An Estimate and Evaluation of Design Error Effects on Nuclear Power Plant Design Adequacy
An estimate by the author is found of typical error levels contained in Structural-Mechanical-Civil Design and Stress Reports. Based on the original analysis performed to demonstrate design...





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