The Campus Computer
The new Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (CAE) at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., was established as an adjunct�a supplement�to the faculty and is dedicated to teaching civil engineering,...

Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers
The organizational changes associated with the introduction of mini- and micro-computers into firms in the construction industry is addressed in this paper. A review of the general management...

Arizona's Statewide Pavement Management System
A pavement management system developed for Arizon's 7400-mile network of highways has resulted in a savings of $14 million in its first year and a forecast savings of $101...

Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings include approximately 140 papers presented in the ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, August 1983, Cambridge, Mass. The principal aim of the conference was...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in Australia
This report highlights urban hydrological activity in Australia in the period 1979-1983, since the earlier reports by Aitken (1976) and Aitken and Laurenson (1979). The high level of interest...

Progress Since 1979 in the Netherlands
Since the last progress-report still more emphasis has been laid on quality aspects of surface waters. Municipalities as well as Provinces and the national government are responsible for...

A Dynamic Communication Technique for Civil Engineers
Since being able to communicate with clients, especially during the initial proposal presentation is vital to securing work for the civil engineer, a dynamic communication technique for...

Structural Analysis of Light-Frame Wood Buildings
This paper reviews the information currently available and lacking that is needed for improving design procedures. Some initial attempts at theoretical analysis of entire wood buildings...

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided...

Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...

Structural Safety
Future building codes will go far beyond the classical emphasis on dimensioning, calculations, and specification writing. Emphasis will shift from scientific thinking to strategic thinking,...

Applying Research to Hydraulic Practice
Approximately 75 of the papers presented at the 1982 ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference in Jackson, Mississippi are included in this publication. The papers examine many aspects...

Computing in Civil Engineering
Ninety-five of the papers submitted for presentation at the first International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (1981) are presented. The papers are organized into 22 areas:...

Structural Optimization
Recent Developments and Applications
Current documentation of the state-of-the-art of structural optimization is provided. Recent developments in the field, between 1972 and 1980, are emphasized. Research in structural optimization...

Limit Equilibrium, Plasticity and General Stress-Strain in Geotechnical Engineering
Papers and discussions from the workshop on limit equilibrium, plasticity, and generalized stress-strain in geotechnical engineering are presented. The papers address aspects of the problems...

Reservoir Systems Operations
The National Workshop on Reservoir Systems Operations, which convened August 13-17, 1979, at the University of Colorado in Boulder, was jointly sponsored by the American Society of Civil...

Computer and Physical Modeling in Hydraulic Engineering
Thirty-two papers presented at a conference on computers and physical modeling in hydraulic engineering are included. Types of modeling are explored for thermal discharges, sediment transport,...

Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
Why and How
This conference was structured to achieve several purposes. High on the list was to share lessons that were learned during the drought of 1976 and 1977 with practicing hydrologists. During...

Computing in Civil Engineering
This volume contains the papers submitted for presentation at the Second Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering held in Baltimore, Maryland, from June 10 through 13, 1980. The topical...

1979 International Air Transportation Conference
The current state-of-the-art and future trends in air transportation are discussed. The current state of knowledge in practice and research, and communication between designers and users...





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