Underground Hot Water Storage Could Cut National Fuel Needs 10%
The possible conservation of waste heat by using it to heat water and then, subsequently, injecting the heated water into wells screened in aquifers containing saline water is described....

Reef Runway is First in Airport Design
The Reef Runway Project of Honolulu International Airport constructed on a coral reef, provides approximately 765 acres of new land for the 12,000-ft-long runway with its associated taxiways...

Mammoth Prefab Modules Speed Alaskan Oil
Accomplished in conjunction with construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline were the mammoth prefabricated modules erected at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope oil fields; purpose is oil and...

Direct Filtration�� Past, Present, Future
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 for the first time established national drinking water standards on turbidity and other drinking water characteristics. Up until that time, the accepted...

Can the U.S. Cope with Skyrocketing Coal Production�
Coal must become the nation's chief tool for increasing energy self-reliance. Coal is abundant. The technology to use it is available today. There is an existing production...

How the Carter Administration Plans to Cope with the Energy Crisis
How does the Carter Administration plan to reduce dependence on foreign oil and weather the eventual decline in the availability of world oil supplies? The major elements of the Carter...

Design/Construct Companies�� Builders for Industry
Highlights in the evaluation of design/construct companies. How Koppers is establishing better dialog with all 7,000 professional employees. How Fluor has grown thanks to gutsy hiring...

Ports '77
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE, held in Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 1977. Sponsored by ASCE, Los Angeles Section;...

Pioneer Offshore LNG Terminal
Among the new offshore structures along the east coast of the United States is a terminal facility about one mile off Cove Point, Md., in Chesapeake Bay. This terminal will take deliver...

First Bridge Across the Yukon River
Until recently, the Yukon River was a major obstacle in constructing a roadway to the oil-rich North Slope of Alaska. But on October 10, 1975, that obstacle was hurdled when the first...





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