Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice
This collection of papers presented at the sessions on Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice held during the First National Conference of the ASCE Geo-Institute at the Utah State University...

Taking the Plunge
Treatment technologies in the last few years have advanced to the point where the wastewater can now be considered a source of drinking water. Membrane technology, advances in filtration...

Toward a Healthy Harbor
Once dubbed the filthiest harbor in America, the Boston Harbor is now the model of recovery. The Boston Harbor Project, a court-mandated 12-year, $3.4 billion cleanup, includes a sprawling...

An Endangered Resource
This proceedings, Groundwater: An Endangered Resource, contains papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic...

Managing Water
Coping with Scarcity and Abundance
The proceedings, Managing Water: Coping with Scarcity and Abundance, consists of papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International...

Water for a Changing Global Community
This six-volume collection contains the papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research on Water for a Changing Global Community. The Proceedings...

Waterpower '97
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Waterpower '97 specialty conference. This international conference on hydropower was held in Atlanta, Georgia, August...

Nature's Payback (Available in Geoenvironmental Engineering Special Issue)
Environmental compensation is now a major concern for utilities and other developers who must compensate for impacting wetlands, streams and other environmentally-sensitive areas. To meet...

Thai Water Mark
Thailand's economy has taken off and with new industry and population growth, water quality problems are increasing. The nation has a 20-year initiative to address these problems,...

Permanent Runoff Controls
The Center for Research in Water Resources at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, conducted tests showing that grassy swales can remove pollutants from highway runoff. Many pollutants...

All Fired Up
Plasma arc technology is being used to treat hazardous waste and contaminated soil and could be used to recycle landfills. The process uses plasma torches that operate at temperatures...

Design/Build Meets Hazardous Waste
For all types of design/build projects, a close cooperative relationship is required among the various stakeholders involved in the project. For hazardous waste cleanup design/build projects,...

The Right Tooele for the Job
Parker describes how the nation's largest chemical munitions destruction facility was designed and how it will operate. The U.S. Signed on to the Chemical Weapons Convention...

Final Covers for Solid Waste Landfills and Abandoned Dumps
This book presents the essential elements for the design of final covers for solid waste landfills and abandoned dumps. Chapter 1 gives an overview and presents selected aspects of regulations...

Grouting to Great Depths
Logan Martin dam on the Coosa River in Alabama has been plagued by underseepage since its construction in 1964. The karst forming the dam's foundation allows water to flow...

Making a Map of Public Health Hazards
Accurately deducing the long-term exposure of community members to health hazards has always been a challenge for engineers. In 1993, the town of Somers, Conn., discovered a residential...

Grand Gusset Failure
In May 1996, structural failure forced the closure of twin 850 ft long arched truss bridges, each carrying two lanes of interstate traffic over the Grand River, 30 mi east of Cleveland....

Energy and Water
Sustainable Development
This proceedings, Energy and Water: Sustainable Development, contains papers presented at the 27th Congress of The International Association...

Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics
Protecting the Aquatic Habitat
This proceedings, Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics: Protecting the Aquatic Environment, contains papers presented at the 27th Congress...

Communication Breakdown
Are modern telecommunications networks vulnerable to earthquakes? Researchers say yes, and have developed a computer tool to quantify potential economic impacts. Telecommunications service...





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