Flood Control Studies for Arizona Communities
Severe flooding in the winter of 1992/1993 produced severe flooding across the State of Arizona. Damages were widespread and significant. Total public and private damages are estimated...

Floodplain Analysis of the Lower Santa Margarita River in Camp Pendleton Marine Air Base, California
Floods of 1993 caused extensive flooding of the Santa Margarita River, and significant damage to Camp Pendleton. A floodplain analysis was performed including an assessment of recent flood...

Modeling the Ecological Impacts of Flaming Gorge Dam Operations
Hydropower operations at Flaming Gorge Dam on the Green River in Utah, U.S.A., can produce rapid downstream changes in flow and stage during a day. These changes can, in turn, affect ecological...

Guist Creek Dam Spillway Upgrade: A Maze (Labyrinth) of Difficulties
Any dam that holds back a large quantity of water is potentially dangerous. Some dams are more of a threat than others, especially those with human populations and valuable property in...

California's Visions of Groundwater: A Water Source and a Salt Sink
Public interest in groundwater resources can be expected to increase. There are few alternative, undeveloped, surface water resources to meet increasing water demand for municipalities....

Long-term Consequences of Recycling Drainage Water for Irrigation
Several long.term field studies (i.e. 6 yrs or more) conducted by the USDA/ARS and the University of California have demonstrated that saline drainage water (ECw...

Evaluation of Potential Impacts to Endangered Species that Use Wetland Areas: A Case Study
A proposed runway extension in an airport adjacent to a large riverine system and containing a small perennial branch of the riverine system would result in loss and modification of forested...

Emergency Repair of an Ocean Outfall
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (Districts) provide wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services for more than 2 million people in metropolitan Orange County....

The South Bay Ocean Outfall
For more than 60 years, raw sewage has flowed down the hills of Tijuana, Mexico into the Tijuana River, crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. The sewage contaminates the low-lying river valley...

External Inspection of an Ocean Outfall
In October and December, 1994, an external inspection was performed on the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County's (Districts) ocean outfall. This presentation describes...

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for Watershed Stormwater Management
In the design of watershed stormwater management plans used for land development, the Pennsylvania State Runoff Model (PSRM) presents upstream subbasin flows that contribute to the peak...

Development of the San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual
A hydrology manual was prepared for the County of San Joaquin, California for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the design of flood management facilities, floodplain analysis,...

Eddy Pump Dredging Demonstration at Cresta Reservoir
A demonstration test of a new environmentally ifiendly slurry dredging technology using the EDDY Pump, a patented vortex slurry pump, was perfbrmed in 1994 at Cresta Reservoir in northern...

Sediment Impacts on Yield from a Two-Reservoir System in Puerto Rico
The Dos Bocas and Caonillas reservoirs in Puerto Rico are being considered for conversion from hydroelectric to water supply operation. Both reservoirs are approximately 50 years old and...

Impacts of Reservoir Sedimentation on Decommissioning of Dams
A large number of dams in the United States of America and elsewhere are reaching the limits of their design lives. Owners, agencies and environmentalists are either considering or demanding...

US/Mexico Border Drinking Water Study
This report is an outgrowth of a more detailed report, written as part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study. This report represents my views, and does not necessarily represent...

Forcing Function and Climate Change
A system framework for investigating the effect of climate change in the upper Rio-Grande river basin, New Mexico, is developed. The forcing function or input into a climate change model...

Discussions of a 3D Numerical Simulation of Transient Regional Groundwater Flow and Transport
A 3D numerical model of a groundwater flow and transport was developed to study the movement of radionuclides in the Savannah River Nuclear Site, South Carolina. The modeling effort has...

Delineating Subsurface Contamination Using Geostatistical and Non-Intrusive Geophysical Methodologies
Electromagnetic (EM) conductivity surveys are becoming a more practiced technique in screening for contamination of soil and groundwater. This non-intrusive geophysical approach detects...

Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Environmental Permitting
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is one of the largest public infrastructure projects in the United States. As such it poses major environmental planning and design challenges. The environmental...





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