Gas Transfer and Secondary Currents in Open Channels
Laboratory flume experiments on water-wide controlled gas transfer, such as reaeration, are described. The experiments indicate that gas transfer is a surface renewal process, well described...

New Developments in HEC Programs for Flood Control
Since the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) started in 1964, the evolution has been toward packaged programs that perform a variety of computation options. Two examples are the flood...

Strategy for Ground Water Planning
Though the percentage of ground water development is only 40%, many areas of India are over developed, where water tables are falling rapidly, due to over pumping. In some areas the surface...

Conjunctive Use Project in Beebe Draw, Co.
A geologically and hydrologically unique alluvial ground water basin, and the hydrologic interaction among aquifer, ground water pumping for irrigation, and the surface water storage and...

Modeling Erosion and Sedimentation in Irrigation
Sediment yield and erosion modeling approaches for sprinkler and surface irrigation are discussed. Empirical approaches, such as the ULSE, and other regression approaches and their applicability...

The Tunnel that Cleaned Up Chicago
The 1986 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement award went to Chicago's Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP) Mainstream Tunnel and Pumping Station. The $975 million project...

Waterway is Public Works Landmark
The $2 billion, 234 mile Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway connects the Tennessee River and the Gulf of Mexico at Mobile. The biggest Corps of Engineers civil-works project ever, it was created...

Explicit Integration of Boundary Integral Equations in the Frequency Domain for Wave Scattering Problems
The goals of this article are: (1) to present an efficient method for the integration of the boundary integral equations for wave scattering problems and (2) to apply this method to the...

Vibration Isolation of Structures From Surface Waves in Layered Soil
This work deals with the problem of isolation of structures from ground transmitted surface waves generated by machine foundations. The isolation is accomplished by means of rectangular...

Explosive Loading of Surface Ships
This paper describes the recent development of numerical methods which have accurately predicted the response of surface ships subjected to underwater explosion tests. The technique couples...

Influence of Surface Conditions on Surface Temperature
Geotechnical engineers working in areas of discontinuous permafrost are frequently faced with the necessity of designing facilities with a minimum of thermal disturbance. Construction...

Detention and Retention Controls for Urban Runoff
The operating principle for retention devices is the interception and capture of runoff, preventing its direct release to surface waters. The most common mechanism by which captured runoff...

Global Water Issues
Five critical global water-related issues are discussed. First is the issue of climatic changes and drought. Unfortunately, the opportunities to construct major irrigation projects are...

Cut-and-Fill Becomes Cut-and-Drain
The U.S. Navy's facility in Subic Bay, Philippines, is in a mountainous area which experiences 182 inches of rain per year. These factors plus weak soil, made necessary an...

The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...

MILHY?A Microcomputer Based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model
MILHY is an interactive, single event, lumped parameter model used to estimate streamflows and water surface profiles. The model was designed for use on basins less than approximately...

Use of Rayleigh Waves in Liquefaction Studies
The Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves method is a new seismic method for efficient determination of shear wave velocity in situ. Vertical impacts applied to the ground surface are used...

Case Histories: Evaluation of Drilled Pier Integrity by the Stress Wave Propagation Method
The Stress Wave Propagation Method (SWPM) was used to nondestructively investigate the integrity of straight-shaft drilled pier foundations at two sites in the Denver, Colorado area. Drilled...

Data Transforms on USGS Surface Water Records
Surface water records compiled and stored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) on machine readable tape are transformed and analyzed by computer methods to enable visual inspection...

Hydraulic Profile Computation Using CADD
The data preparation can also be performed by directly recording onto a computer tape the aerial survey cross section ground points and the field survey work. A computer program can then...





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