Bed Load Prediction in Steep Mountain Rivers
The characteristics of the stream channel morphologies in a very steep mountain ravine are explained by the data obtained through the longterm field observation. The bed load transportation...

Step-Pool Streams: An Adjustment to Maximum Flow Resistance
An experiment was conducted to study the maximum flow resistance of step pool streams and the morphology of the steps formed from clastic materials. The step pool formation was qualitatively...

A General Theory of Channel Adjustment in High Gradient Streams
The paper presents a theory of channel adjustment in high gradient streams. This theory states that given sufficient energy, stream channels will adjust their dimensions and flow hydraulics...

Step Pool Geometry and Flow Characteristics in Low-Sediment-Storage Channel Beds
Data from two small ephemeral streams in Israel indicate that step pool geometry in bedrock channels is similar, in its salient features, to that in alluvial channels. For steep (>0.10)...

A Mechanism of Pool Formation and Maintenance in Forest Streams
Laboratory and field investigations illustrate a hydraulic mechanism responsible for the formation and maintenance of pools associated with large, in-channel obstructions in forest streams....

Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress in Large Gravel-Bed Rivers
The local bed shear stress ?o1 cannot be directly measured and is typically estimated using flow observations in various theoretical or empirical...

Particle Dynamics and Bed Level Adjustments in a Mountain Stream
The focus of the study was the interaction of coarse bedload sheets with a near-static bed. At a critical discharge bed sediment was transported from upstream sources through the study...

Turbulent Velocities in a Mountain River
A weighted, electronic Pitot tube was deployed in the swift, boulder-bed Waiho river during a 46 m3/s flow and a 214 m3/s...

Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Processes in a Pool-Riffle Rocky Mountain Stream
Sediment transport processes related to varying channel-bed morphology were investigated from April to November, 1993 along a 1 km pool-riffle and step-pool reach of North Saint Vrain...

On Habitat Simulation in Mountain Rivers
Mountain rivers are quite different from other rivers and one of the characteristics that distinguish them from others is the large variation in velocities with time, with location in...

Coarse Sediment Transport and the Maintenance of Fish Habitat in the Upper Colorado River
An analysis of the relation between discharge and boundary shear stress is presented for an alluvial reach of the Colorado River near Grand Junction, CO. The analysis indicates that the...

Palaeohydraulic reconstruction of floods in upland UK bedrock streams: progress, problems and prospects
Palaeoflood evidence from five small upland Pennine catchments in the UK is used with the HEC-2 flow routine to simulate Holocene peak discharges. Even allowing for uncertainty, sensitivity...

Streamflow Related to Channel Geometry in Northern New England
Channel geometry measurements can be used to estimate various streamflow characteristics at ungaged stream locations. Channel cross section dimensions and sediment size distributions were...

Numerical Model Verification on Tidal Current in Tokyo Bay
Results of a research project to verify the Multiple Level Model for a tidal current analysis in Tokyo Bay are presented in this paper. This study is a part of the subject for the Task...

Theoretically-Derived Regime River Width
The governing equations describing the motion of fluid and non-cohesive sediment particles in alluvial channels are combined to analytically determine the equilibrium surface width of...

Equilibrium Geometry of Channels with Cohesive Banks
An optimization model is used to assess the stability of gravel-bed rivers with cohesive channel banks and to determine the effect of the bank stability on the equilibrium hydraulic geometry....

Characterization of Incised Channel Development
A combination of hydraulic and geotechnical techniques have been applied to predict future cross-section morphology in incised channels. The SAM program (Copeland, 1991) computes combinations...

Width Adjustment: Relative Dominance in Unstable Alluvial Streams
The mechanisms that control the relative dominance of width adjustment in unstable streams are described. Specifically, the role of the following factors affecting the fluvial environment...

Field Evaluation of the Sediment Transport Model Stream with a Bank Erosion Component
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model STREAM of Borah, Alonso and Prasad was expanded earlier by incorporating a riverbank erosion component of Osman and Thorne. In...

Macro-Roughness Effects on Stream Reaeration
The gas transfer coefficient is key to modeling dissolved oxygen levels in streams. Engineers commonly predict it as a function of mean flow depth, velocity, and slope. Large errors are...





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