Hydraulic Model Investigation of the North Diversion Structure, Albuquerque, New Mexico
The North Diversion Structure diverts storm runoff around Albuquerque, New Mexico. Observed flow conditions have caused concern about the capacity of the structure and the safety of a...

Analysis of Storm Event Suspended Sediment Data From Tennessee
In order to provide an understanding of transport patterns, historical suspended sediment data collected by TVA in the late 1930s were computerized and entered onto WATSTORE. Frequent...

Floodplain Regulation Downstream of Barrett Dam, CA
Barrett Dam is owned and operated by the City of San Diego, California. The Dam was built in the early 1920's to be an additional source of water for the growing City with...

California's Dam Safety Program?The Development of Hydrology for Dams (abstract)
California's water code provides for supervision of dams and reservoirs with regard to protection of life and property. This code is administered by the Department of Water...

Spatial Attenuation of Major Pennsylvania Storms
To utilize point estimates for more expansive areas, reduction factors are necessary to account for the attenuation of storm magnitude with increasing area. The spatial attenuation of...

Design Rainfall for Pennsylvania
The most commonly used source of rainfall estimates is the U. S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper 40. A more detailed study of Pennsylvania storms was conducted in 1970 under the sponsorship...

Design Storm Selection for Stormwater Management Master Plans
The design rainfall event is an important performance standard for a stormwater management master plan. A stormwater master plan for Virginia Beach, Virginia, is used as a case study to...

Effect of Rainfall Intensity Distribution on Excess Precipitation
The effect of the time distribution of rainfall intensity on the prediction of the depth of excess precipitation is evaluated. A comparison is made of the excess precipitation produced...

A Versatile Methodology for Flood Frequency Analysis
Many observed annual flood series exhibit reverse curvatures when plotted on lognormal probability paper. The occurrence of these curvatures may be attributed to storm and basin factors....

Improved SWMM Applications for Stormwater Management Master Plans: A Case Study of Virginia Beach, Virginia
A case study of a recent master plan for a 16. 5 sq mi watershed in Virginia Beach, Virginia is presented to illustrate stormwater master planning approaches. The analysis showed that...

Geographic Estimation of Runoff-Model Parameters
The U. S. Geological Survey is developing techniques to estimate and evaluate unit-hydrograph and loss-rate parameter values for rainfall-runoff models using Geographic Information System...

Probability Based Evaluation of Spillway Capacity
Spillway adequacy could be evaluated more objectively if estimates were available of the probabilities of discharges up to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). As a first step in making such...

Verifications and Applications of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Model
To meet the needs of the Illinois Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (CM&E) project of the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP), the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model...

The Risk of Progressive Collapse of Single-Story Buildings in Severe Storms
The probability of severe damage and progressive collapse of single-story commercial, institutional and residential buildings is examined. Observations of actual damage and the results...

Sewers Get a Breath of Fresh Air
Domestic sewage pump stations and treatment facilities have long been plagued by corrosion and odor problems caused by hydrogen sulfide. It is also extremely toxic. Sulfide production...

Sewer-Septic Tank Hybrid Promises Savings
Until recently the only options for sewage were the septic tank/leach field or conventional sewers. In some cases a hybrid of the two, called the septic tank/effluent drain, is less costly...

A Microcomputer Storm Sewer Program for Highway Drainage Design
This paper presents results and findings of an ongoing research project on highway drainage sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration through the Virginia Transportation Research...

Wind Loading and Wind-Induced Structural Response
A State-of-the-Art Report
This state-of-the-art report presents fundamental and practical aspects of modern wind engineering practice as it relates to structural design. The first chapter includes information on...

Surveying for Scour
The public works engineer never knows exactly how many bridge piers and abutments are undermined by erosion due to scour. Massachusetts Department of Public Works needed a rapid method...

Milwaukee's Deep Tunnels�No Clone
Tunnel boring machines are excavating nearly 19 miles of tunnels 17-32 ft in diameter as part of Milwaukee's $1.9 billion upgrade of its sanitary sewage system. Laid out to...





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