Consulting Engineering
A Guide for the Engagement of Engineering Services
The purpose of this manual is to outline the functions of the consulting engineer in serving a client, the types of services usually offered, the various methods of determining compensation...

Political Action�Why Are Engineers Getting Involved�
Two engineering societies�National Society of Professional Engineers and American Consulting Engineers Council�in the past two years have established Political Action Committees. Their...

Public Works Directors�Why Do Some Stand Out�
William Hennessy, Commissioner of New York State's DOT began as a junior engineering aide, went into real estate acquisitions for the state and later entered the state's...

Will the World Face Up to Its Ever-Worsening Environmental Problems�
This article is based on interview with Gerald Barney, a consultant to the President's Council on Environmental Quality and other staff members of that organization. Among...

What Can be Done to Boost the Efficiency of the Civil Engineering Profession�
In view of all the talk about the declining efficiency of American business, how can civil engineering works be planned, designed, constructed, operated, or maintained more efficiently?...

Top Foreign-Born Civil Engineers Speak Their Minds
Six distinguished civil engineers born and educated abroad discuss their careers and explore: the differences in the civil engineering marketplace and in the public image of the CE here...

How Texas got a New Highway Plan and More Construction Dollars
Texas has a new highway system plan, a new systems approach to highway design and about $300 million a year increase in highway funds over the next 20 years. Here are two articles that...

Urban Transportation Financing
The specialty Conference on Urban Transportation Financing examined the difficulties of providing financial support for urban transportation services that have emerged in recent years...

Conflict on the Job: How to Cope
Work-related conflicts, according to a body of management consultants called organizational development specialists, are neither bad nor good, but inevitable. Engineers and other scientific...

Peer Review: Old Concept in New Situations
In the past, clients treated their engineering consultants as the fallible human beings they are. No longer is this true. Today there is more pressure, by clients and courts, for error-free...

Trench Cave-In: Contractor's Responsibility
The article Can Trench Cave-In Deaths Be Cut� in CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, September 1977, states that the owner's engineer should accept responsibility for the design of temporary...

West Coast Consulting Firm Gets Large Minicomputer to Keep Pace with Growth
This article tells the story of computer use in a medium-sized consulting engineering firm in the water resources field, Boyle Engineering Co., of Newport Beach, Calif. In the mid 1960's,...

Small Midwestern Consultant Introduces Inhouse Desk Top Computer
This article traces the history of engineering and surveying calculations in a small civil-geotechnical consulting office in Rock Island, Ill., W.J. Reese & Associates. The expanding...

Minority Consulting Engineers Speak Out
A sampling of opinion from the point of view of black consulting engineers. Quota systems are discussed as are financial problems, attitudes of banks, joint-ventures, abuse of minority-participation...

Personnel Management of Engineering Organizations
Which personnel management approaches are most successful, and why? We surveyed ASCE's Sections and Branches in search of answers. And reviewed the 120 or so nominations in...

Minority Role Models
One reason there are so few minorities in engineering is because they have so few role models. It is difficult for today's young minority engineer�who may feel all alone....

Secret to Constructing Pittsburgh's New Busway Within Budget
The owner of Pittsburgh's new South Busway worked hard to create a climate of cooperation, good will, mutual trust, and team work among owner, consulting engineer, contractor,...

Transforming a Meeting from Confrontation to Cooperation
Public meetings are frequently prescribed as part of major public works projects; unfortunately, they often become scenes of massive confrontation, rather than cooperation. What can be...

Liability Claims Against Soils Firms Slashed Dramatically
In 1969, consulting engineering firms engaged on soil and foundation engineering were virtually uninsurable. Taking the bull by the horms, a group of 10 soil and foundation engineering...

Small Hydro-Electric Units � Where to Find Them
A consulting firm explored the possibility of small hydro-electric units. A table lists manufacturers contacted and their responses. In general, the number of suppliers for small hydro...





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