Boston's City within a City
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority's 11-year effort to clean up Boston Harbor is in full swing. The nerve center of the project is Deer Island, a 210 acre site that...

In Too Deep
Urban excavation is fraught with risks and potential liability for engineers and contractors. Environmental issues (such as Superfund regulations and environmental impact statements),...

Under the Undersea World
Soil conditions in New Orleans are generally unfavorable to the construction of large structures, and exceptionally so along the Mississippi River banks, which tend to slide. But that...

School Is In Session
Cost overruns, project delays and the city bureaucracy have given school construction a bad reputation throughout the U.S., particularly in urban centers. But as other construction markets...

CSO Solutions
EPA estimates that 1,200 cities have nearly 20,000 combined-sewer-overflow points in areas serving more than 43 million people. Their impact on waterways has become a national problem,...

The Growing Meet Market
The Delaware cities of Dover and Wilmington are only 5 mi apart. Their combined populations barely exceed 100,000. Yet each city is planning to build a new convention center to corner...

Political Trust's Role in Explaining Nevada Urban Resident's Perceptions of the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository
This paper examines the key role that political trust plays in explaining repository risk perceptions of urban residents of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Findings from two surveys of...

Building a Geographic Information System (GIS) for Siting New York City Sludge Management Facilities
Siting studies for waste facilities usually focus on a particular geographic region, or a defined study area, and are restricted to a specific technology. However, the siting of land-based...

Applications of GIS to Wastewater System Master Planning in Albuquerque
The City of Albuquerque Public Works Department provides wastewater collection and treatment services to a metropolitan area of over 550,000 people. In order to plan for needed wastewater...

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing London Docklands?A Case Study in Applied GIS
This paper addresses the role of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in transforming the London Docklands from a run-down area of urban decline to a spectacular...

Unique Water Quality Aspects of Lake Pontchartrain
Natural factors causing changes in Lake Pontchartrain, can be grouped into the following: subsidence and wetland loss due to the deterioration of the St. Bernard Delta, natural variations...

Sediment Impediment to Boat Launching at Miller Park, City of Avon Lake, Ohio
In 1987 a boat launching facility was constructed at Miller Park, in the City of Avon Lake, Lorain County, Ohio (Figure 1). There have been problems with sediment buildup ever since it...

Urban Storm Drainage Design Hydraulic Principles
Chapter 6 of the manual on Design and Construction of Urban Storm Water Management Systems discusses the hydraulic principles and equations under which drainage system structures must...

Urban Water Issues/Strategies in the Humid Tropics
Annual rainfall volumes in the Humid Tropics are large, and the events can be quite intense, but they can also be highly variable, with periods in which little or no rainfall occurs. Streams...

Modeling 70,000 Feet of Interceptor for Aurora, CO
During preliminary design for the City of Aurora's Tollgate Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvements, the authors modeled over 70,000 linear feet of interceptor for both present...

A 1990's Strategy for Combined Sewer Improvements
On June 22, 1990, the Regional Water Quality Control Board issued the City of Sacramento a Cease and Desist Order. The Order required the City to examine the condition of, and flooding...

Implementing Sacramento's NPDES Stormwater Permit
Between 1987 and 1990, EPA established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements and deadlines for stormwater discharges. During this...

Urban Drainage Design Potpourri: Avoiding Pitfalls
In the process of mastering various methods or programs used to estimate storm runoff and flow rates, fundamental principles can be overlooked or even misunderstood. Discussed herein are...

Summary of the National ASCE Task Committee on Costs-Benefits of Various Design Frequencies for Urban Drainage Systems and Flood Control

Experiences with Military Installation Drainage Systems
This paper presents a brief survey of experience with drainage systems found on Army bases. In addition, selected current drainage-related research topics which support Army installations...





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