Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

Estuarine, Shelf, and Ocean Hydrodynamic Modelling Approaches
Estuarine, shelf, and ocean hydrodynamic modelling approaches are presented in order to explore the development of a coordinated set of models to describe the complex interactions between...

Water Quality of Jubba River in Somalia
Monitoring of water quality in the Jubba River in Somalia of East Africa, led to indications of a potential impact of toxic trace elements, salinity and biocides in restricting agricultural...

Experimental Investigation of Density-Driven Hyperconcentrated Flows
Lock-exchange type of laboratory experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the dynamical characteristics of density-driven hyperconcentrated fluid mud. Fluid mud, confined in...

Activation and Degeneration of Turbidity Currents
Flow properties of the front of a turbidity current are investigated using the two layers model which takes into account of pick up and deposition of sediment. The amount of pick up rate...

Field and Model Studies of Ocean Outfalls
Field and laboratory studies of the behavior of wastewater discharged from the San Francisco ocean outfall are reported. Wastefield behavior was predicted by the mathematical models RSB...

Horizontal Density-Gradient Effects on Simulation of Flow and Transport in the Potomac Estuary
A two-dimensional, depth-integrated, hydrodynamic/transport model of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md., has been extended to include treatment of baroclinic forcing...

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
Estuarine and Coastal Modeling is the Proceedings for the Estuarine & Coastal Circulation and Pollution Transport Model Data Comparison...

Lower Granite Fish Guidance Efficiency System Model Study?Snake River, Washington
With the annual migration of adult salmon up the Columbia and Snake Rivers and the migration of their offspring (juvenile salmon) downstream to the ocean, new problems have developed with...

An Update on the U.S. DOE Ocean Energy Program
This paper summarizes recent research accomplishments of the program and provides a synopsis of planned activities leading to a Net Power-Producing Experiment (NPPE), to be conducted at...

Ocean Energy Activities in Europe
This paper reviews European research and development in wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and ocean tidal power. For each technology, a country-by-country summary (in...

Theoretical Study on Capture Chamber with Lateral Entrance
A capture chamber with lateral entrance can be used in a pneumatic wave energy conversion system. In this paper, the output power coefficients of the capture chamber have been calculated...

Wave Power Development in Taiwan
The feasibility study of wave power development in Taiwan was performed in two phases. The first phase included the calculation and assessment of the available wave energy along the coasts...

Use of Scrap Tires to Harness Wave Energy
A 2.5 meter diameter wave powered pump, fabricated from scrap tires was tested from May 24, 1988 to October 1988 in the Atlantic Ocean at the North Carolina Army Corp of Engineers Waterways...

Pre-Experiments of OTEC Experimental Facility for Ocean-Based Mariculture-OTEC Pilot Plant Houyou
The ocean-based mariculture-OTEC pilot plant 'HOUYOU' was completed in March, 1989 and the at-sea test in Toyama Bay was carried out from July 18th until September...

OTEC's subsurface discharges of Deep Ocean Water: Modelling Their Effects on the Primary Production
The French project of a shore-based OTEC pilot plant (5 MW) at Tahiti gave the opportunity of simulating the ecological effects of a small, man-made upwelling in coastal-tropical oligotrophic...

A 250 KW Closed Cycle Land Based Ocean Thermal Energy Plant
The paper describes the design of a 250 KW land based closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Plant suitable for installing at Keahole Point in Hawaii. The work is being done for ALCAN International....

Overview: Steam-Water Phase Change in OTEC Systems
This paper presents an overview of the thermodynamics and the heat and mass transfer processes occurring in OTEC systems utilizing seawater as the working fluid....

Seawater Experimental Results of Direct-Contact Condensation for OC-OTEC Applications
Tests of a direct-contact condenser (DCC) for open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion systems (OC-OTEC) have been conducted using seawater and exchanging up to 1.25 MWth...

Noncondensable Gas Composition and Outgassing Rates in the Open-Cycle OTEC System with Direct-Contact Condensation
This paper will present the results of recent measurements of noncondensable release from an open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OC-OTEC) system in a direct-contact condensation...





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