A Second-Generation Wave Model for Coastal Wave Prediction
A second-generation numerical wave model, WINDWAVE, has been developed for wave prediction in coastal regions. The modal is based on the numerical integration of the energy balance equation...

Numerical Modeling of Waves in Harbors
The numerical wave model HARBD has been used extensively for estimating waves in harbors. The model is used to simulate laboratory tests of long waves in a rectangular harbor with variable...

Physical Modelling of Multidirectional Waves
A sixty-segment wave generator has been used since 1985 at the Coastal Engineering Laboratory of the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada to generate multidirectional waves, and study...

A Spectral Wave Model for the Coastal Zone
Spectral wave models that represent the evolution of the waves on a grid superior in several respects to conventional wave ray models. Spectral models on a grid have been developed for...

Nonlinear Effects on Wave Envelope and Phase
The representation of second-order random waves is examined in terms of the effect of second-order nonlinearities on the wave envelope and phase. Theoretical expressions describing the...

Modeling Bottom Friction in Wind-Wave Models
Effects of bottom friction in wind-wave models are investigated, with an emphasis on wave-induced bottom roughnesses (moveable-bed effects). A state-of-the-art bottom friction model is...

Spectral Boussinesq Modelling of Breaking Waves
Random waves passing over a shallow bar are considered, in particular the amplification of bound harmonics in shoaling water, their subsequent release in deepening water, and the role...

Evolution of Breaking Directional Spectral Waves in the Nearshore Zone
Methods used in parabolic refraction-diffraction models for computing the evolution of monochromatic waves in the nearshore zone are used to construct a model for spectral wave conditions....

Case Studies of Extreme Wave Analysis: A Comparative Analysis
Several methods of extremal wave analysis have been applied to two sets of deep water extreme wave data. One set consisted of three-hourly sea-state records collected during a nine year...

Optimal Supply of Parking at Airports
The design capacity of parking facilities at airports is generally estimated in relation to one or more standard decision variable such as enplaning passengers, number of employees, and...

Airports and Air Quality Issues - the European Perspective
This paper presents a detailed review of air quality studies at European Airports since 1986. It also provides a brief analysis of the air quality section of a recent ACI (Europe) environmental...

Removal Of Chromium From Groundwater Using Permeable Barriers: An Aquifer Simulation Study
Previous efforts to remediate groundwater contaminated by chromium-bearing industrial wastes have involved post-extraction methods, whereby groundwater is pumped to the surface treated...

Operational Interactive Hydrologic Forecasting with the National Weather Service River Forecast System
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) consists of several major hydrometeorologic subcomponents to model the physics of the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle....

A Satellite Based River Forecast System for the Nile River
The initial version of the Nile Forecasting System developed by NOAA was used operational in July, 1993. Forecast System accuracy exceeded expectations. The Nile Forecast Center is now...

Optimization of Reservoir Releases to Control River Sedimentation Using Differential Dynamic Programming
A new methodology is developed to address sedimentation control in alluvial rivers downstream of reservoirs. An optimization model is posed as a discrete-time optimal control problem to...

Managing Reservoir Storage for Fish Production
Salmon populations in numerous Pacific Coast rivers are in decline and are in danger of becoming threatened or endangered. A reservoir system simulation model was developed for the Trinity...

Water Resources Education and Research at a Model HBCU Water Resources Center
Central State University has the nations only fullfledged degree program in water resources management at the undergraduate level. The program was founded on the assumption that water...

Optimization and Reservoir Operations for the Missouri River
As demands placed on the operation of the nation's reservoirs increase, the problem of finding the most desirable set of operation plans becomes more difficult and controversial. This...

Elmhurst Quarry Flood Control Project
Conversion of a limestone quarry into an off-line reservoir provides flood protection for a rapidly developing County in the suburbs of Chicago....

Evaluating Multi-Purpose Reservoir Operations Using Fuzzy Dynamic Programming
The study described in this paper was designed to assess the feasibility of reservoir operators and water users defining membership functions for evaluating multiple objectives and to...





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