Model Tests on Caissons
Laboratory tests were conducted on model caissons to better understand the settlement/deflection behavior of open ended caissons on sandy soil, with embedment depth, caisson diameter,...

Settlement Evaluation for Cap Closure Performance
Predicting short and long-term performance of a landfill cap system is a difficult task considering the generally unknown nature of the waste and magnitude and variation of settlement...

Preloading Organic Soils to Limit Future Settlements
This paper presents the authors' experience in preloading organic soils in south Florida to allow the construction of roadways, utilities, and low-rise residential structures on shallow...

The Control of Settlement Using Geogrids
The applicability of geogrids in reducing settlements has been investigated in the laboratory in two separate studies, in unpaved roads under cycled load applications, and as overlays...

Blast Densification of a Thick, Loose Debris Flow at Mt. St. Helen's., Washington
Numerous debris flows occurred during the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helen's in Washington State. The proposed location of Bridge 12 over Coldwater Creek along State Route 504 is underlain...

The Usefulness of Stone Columns to Reduce Settlements and Distortions - A Case History
A shed had to be built as a storage area for ashes and gypsum resulting from the combustion of coal in a power plant in Sardinia, Italy. Two field loading tests have been performed. In...

Towards a Rational Method of Predicting Settlements of Spread Footings on Sand
Prediction of settlements of both large and small spread footings on sand has traditionally been carried out using methods which are largely empirical. In recent years, advances have been...

Nonlinear Undrained Lateral Response of Rigid Drilled Shafts Using Continuum Theory
The nonlinear undrained response of rigid drilled shafts under static lateral and moment loading is evaluated within the context of elastic continuum theory. The approximate approach utilizes...

Application of the Phase Change Process to One-Dimensinal Consolidation Behavior of Peat
In this study, based on the fact that the pore of fibrous peat consists of the macro (outer) pore between organic matters and the micro (inner) pore inside organic matter, an approximate...

Cyclic Loading for the Measuring of Soil Consolidation Parameters
A method of determination of soil consolidation characteristics using sinusoidal loading is described. It can be performed in laboratory test or in situ observation as well, with different...

Influence of Flexible Mat on Settlements of Marine Clay
Highly compressible marine clays occur extensively in coastal regions. In lieu of traditional pile or raft foundations in such weak soils, recently a flexible mat system has been developed...

Design and Installation of a New Settlement-Inclinometer Device
A new miniature settlement-inclinometer device (SID) system has been designed and built at the University of British Columbia for use in monitoring soft soil movements. The great advantages...

Displacement of Batter Piles in Layered Soil
The displacements of flexible vertical and batter model piles under eccentric and inclined loads in layered soil of clay overlying sand is studied. Horizontal and vertical displacements...

Measured Downdrag on Seven Coated and Uncoated Piles in New Orleans
A site outside of New Orleans, Louisiana was selected as part of a research effort to study the phenomenon of downdrag on bitumen-coated piles. Two steel pipe piles, two timber piles,...

Comparison of Settlement Predictions for Single Piles in Sand Based on Penetration Test Results
The analysis of settlement for driven piles in cohesionless soils is a complex soil structure interaction problem. The total settlement for such a pile is generally considered to be the...

The Tip Displacement of Drilled Shafts in Sands
The design load of large diameter drilled shafts is determined so that the settlements do not exceed the values associated with the ultimate and serviceability limit states. Based on the...

Modeling Settlements of an Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Sideslope Using an Earthen Surcharge Pile
This paper discusses the results of a large-scale field compressibility test completed on municipal solid waste (MSW). The test consisted of surcharging the waste mass with an earthen...

A Comparison of Three Soil Improvement Techniques to Densify Liquefaction Susceptible Sands
Deep soil densification programs using vibratory probe compaction, vibro-replacement and terraprobe methods have been completed on a naval submarine base to limit potential settlements...

Field Test of Thermal Precompression
A new concept for improvement of soft ground using moderate heating to control post-construction settlement is presented. The long-term creep behavior of a peat is presented based on laboratory...

Settlement of Footings on Granular Materials: Low and Large Strain Parameters
Many methods have been proposed to predict the settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils. The analysis of more than 200 case histories shows that there is no correlation between...





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