Concrete Beam Testing with Optical Fiber Sensors
The use of an embedded multimode optical fiber to monitor curing and load-to-failure testing of a reinforced concrete beam has been investigated. The embedding process used to network...

Nondestructive Crack Identification by Acoustic Emission Analysis and Ultrasonic Frequency Response
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) by the acoustic emission (AE) analysis and the ultrasonic testing (UT) on the spectral (frequency) response is studied to identify crack geometry. AE waveform...

Pullout Testing of High-Strength Concrete Members
An experimental investigation of a high-strength concrete mixture was undertaken to measure and evaluate pullout and compressive strength properties. Two columns, a slab, and cylindrical...

Shrinkage Measurements in Composite Beam Slabs
When the concrete slab on a composite beam shrinks, it is restrained by the steel beam to which it is connected. Tensile stresses, as a result, are developed in the restrained concrete...

Micromechanics and Effective Properties of Elastic Particulate Composites
A new micromechanical framework is proposed to investigate the effective mechanical properties of elastic particulate multiphase composites. Exact ensemble-volume averaged field equations...

Damage Dependent Micromechanics in Metal Matrix Composites
A computational approach is used herein to model the effects of processing induced thermal residual stresses on radial, hoop, and shear stresses at the fiber/matrix interface in a continuous...

Micromechanical Characterization of Damage-Plasticity in Metal Matrix Composites
A micromechanical theory of damage mechanics and plasticity is proposed for fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites. The composite system is assumed to consist of elastic, continuous...

Fracture Toughness of DMMC
The fracture toughness of discontinuous metal matrix composites (DMMC) is always less than the fracture toughness of the matrix, in the same heat treatment or annealed condition. If a...

Fracture Toughness Model of Fiber Reinforced Ceramics
This paper addresses the fracture resistance mechanism in fiber reinforced ceramics, and focuses attention on the specific effects associated with the nonlinear nature of the fiber pullout...

Characterization of Granular Material Composite Structures Using Computerized Tomography
The behavior of particulate composites such as asphaltic concrete is controlled by microstructural features including particle and binder arrangements, interparticle contacts, and changes...

Basic Aspects of Damage Mesomodelling
The basic aspects of a general damage computational approach which enable to simulate the complete fracture phenomenon are presented. It is a semi-discrete modelling where the material,...

Determination of In-Situ Stresses From Acoustic Emissions
Acoustic emissions (AE) are microseismic activities that are generated in concrete by cracking and damage. The rate of Acoustic Emissions, called the 'Event Rate', can provide indication...

Detection of Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Cans
The Acoustic Emission Technique (AET) is known as a good possibility for non destructive detection of cracks in metal down to very small dimensions. To use AET for concrete, an efficient...

Constitutive Modeling for Material with Perfect Disordered Heterogeneity
Finite element analysis with large number of elements are performed to simulate perfect disordered heterogenous material. The probabilistic nature of the micromechanical behavior of the...

Probabilistic Assessment of Composite Structures
Formal procedures are described which are used to computationally simulate the probabilistic behavior of composite structures. The computational simulation starts with the uncertainties...

A Shear Locking Free Three-Node Triangular Plate Bending Element for Moderately-Thick and Thin Symmetrically Cross-Ply Laminated Plates
A shear locking free three-node triangular plate bending element based on Reissner/Mindlin theory for symmetric general cross-ply laminated plates is developed. The element has total nine...

Ultrasonic Wave Scattering by a Crack in a Composite Plate
A hybrid method is presented for analyzing ultrasonic wave scattering of plane strain waves by a crack in a composite plate. The hybrid method combines a finite element formulation in...

Random Initial Heterogeneity and Degradation in Brittle Materials
The question of implementation of the initial state of the material is addressed. The problem is tackled by assuming random initial values for a relevant variable, within a prespecified...

Postbuckling Behavior of Stiffened Composite Shell Panels
The paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing study on the postbuckling behavior of thick and moderately thick composite stiffened shells. Axially compressed moderately thick panels...

Dynamic Stability of Composite-Material Circular Cylindrical Shells with Orthogonal Stiffeners
The governing equations are formulated for general (axisymmetric or unsymmetric) vibrations of thin circular cylindrical shells of composite material and reinforced with axial (stringer)...





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