Sensitivity of Peak Dynamic Responses to Input Factors
Responses have been calculated for the Zion Unit 1 plant, using the SSMRP computer code SMACS, as part of the seismic probabilistic risk assessment performed by the Seismic Safety Margins...

Coupled Vertical-Rocking Response of Base-Isolated Structures
A base-isolated building can have a small horizontal eccentricity between the center of mass of the superstructure and the center of rigidity of the supporting bearings. The structure...

State-of-the-Art of Development of Floor Spectra
Floor spectra are used as seismic inputs for the design and qualification of subsystems and equipment. Until very recently, the time history analyses with single acceleration time history...

A Correlation Study on the Spectrum Decomposition Method
The major elements of the Spectrum Decomposition Method (SDM) are reviewed together with its automated process for generation of in-equipment response spectra (IERS). The floor required...

Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Cylindrical Tank with a Flexible Baseplate
Analytically predicted coupled natural frequencies, response functions, and transient responses are compared with measured values for a partially filled cylindrical tank subject to excitation...

Pipeline Hydraulic Transient and Leak Detection Analysis
Liquid and gas pipelines cannot be properly designed with consideration of steady flow analysis techniques alone due to the possibility of pipeline failure resulting from uncontrolled...

Overtopping of Flood Control Levees and Floodwalls
The risk of overtopping can be significant for flood control levees or floodwalls, and the consequences can be costly and potentially catastrophic. Designs using superiority can force...

Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...

Stability of Method of Characteristics
For the analysis of waterhammer, the first-order accurate method of characteristics (MOC) has been widely used for which Courant condition for stability has been developed neglecting the...

Forecasting and Warning for Mt. St. Helens Streams
The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in southern Washington on May 18, 1980, created great devastation both by the blast itself and by mudflows generated by melting snow and ice. Several hydrologic...

Software Development: For Experts Only?
Civil engineering firms tend to buy ready-made software rather than develop it themselves. But if existing software for specific applications is unavailable or of poor quality, then the...

Structural Steel Details: Is Responsibility a Problem?
Because structural engineers are leaving design of structural steel connections to fabricators, the problem of responsibility for those details has arisen. This article explores a variety...

Steel Structures Provide Flexibility
The steel structures of several major buildings are evaluated by the structural engineers responsible for the design and construction. Included are the Park Avenue Atrium in New York;...

Hazardous Waste Landfill: Some Lessons from New Jersey
There are four key elements in a secure, hazardous waste landfill: a bottom liner; a leachate collection system; a cover; and the natural hydrogeologic setting. Each of these elements...

Hazardous Waste Management in California: Lessons for the U.S.
California has what many say is the best hazardous waste management program in the U.S. In fact, the Federal government used the California program as the basis for a national plan for...

Thermal Destruction Options for Controlling Hazardous Wastes
Incineration will play an increasingly important role in the management of hazadous waste in the United States. Properly designed and operated incineration systems are capable of destroying...

Industry Challenges EPA on Whether Certain Wastes are Hazardous or Not
Before the U.S. can clean up its hazardous wastes, it must first decide which wastes are hazardous, which not. The case histories presented here show that this decision is not always easy...

Willow Island Aftermath: The Limits of OSHA
In April 1978 a natural-draft hyperbolic concrete cooling tower under construction at Willow Island, W.Va. collapsed. Fifty-one workers, suspended on a scaffold supported mainly by a layer...

Public Works Directors�Why Do Some Stand Out�
William Hennessy, Commissioner of New York State's DOT began as a junior engineering aide, went into real estate acquisitions for the state and later entered the state's...

Tangshan Rebuilds after Mammoth Earthquake
The City of Tangshan, China was totally devastated in 1976 by a major earthquake. Over 240,000 people were killed in one of history's greatest disasters. The quake had a Richter...





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