Concept Ecology Integrated Project Engineering and Environment; Relating a Project to the Surroundings
The selected alignment of the 27.3 km long Veterans Expressway in Tampa, Florida was constructed for better access to the downtown area from a relatively rural but fast growing area of...

Mitigation of Predation at a Juvenile Bypass Outfall Site
Reducing predation at an outfall has become an increasingly important consideration in the design of a juvenile salmonid bypass system. To minimize the exposure juveniles have with predators...

Mitigation Wetland Losses for a Major Transportation Improvement Project in New Hampshire
To compensate for 103 acres of wetland impact from a 17.6-mile upgrade of NH Route 101 between Epping and Hampton, New Hampshire, NH Department of Transportation (NHI)OT) and Normandeau...

Significance of Geologic Features on the Contaminant Migration from Landfill Sites
Contaminants (leachate) migration pathways in various media at hazardous waste and landfill sites are primarily defined by the local geologic features at such sites, namely:stratigraphy,...

Environmental Improvement in Southern Africa
Cross-border environmental projects in southern Africa are identified and discussed. The complexity of coordinating multinational standards, combined with the region's extreme...

White River Fish Screen Project Planning and Design
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) submitted a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project. One of the elements of the project application was...

Infiltration Properties at Two Sites in the Konza Prairie
The spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties that govern infiltration were investigated at a pristine site and an agricultural site in the Konza Prairie Research Area of east-central...

The Use of Monitoring of Russian Water Objects for the Decrease of Disaster Consequences
The project of the United States Monitoring System for Water Resources was created. This system united the possibilities of different kinds of existed systems for observation of water...

Risk as a Sustainable Development Criteria
Project alternatives can be compared on a relative basis when all factors contributing to social, environmental and economic risks are weighed by all the stakeholders concerned. It is...

Mixing Influences on Cement-Based Waste Forms
High-shear, medium-shear, and low-shear mixing tests were conducted on paste and paste + fly-ash mixes: The specimens, cured for 28-days, were tested for free water generation, compressive...

Design and Construction of the Santa Ana River Wash Crossing of the Inland Feeder
The Inland Feeder Pipeline passes beneath the Santa Ana River in Southern California. The flood plain of the river provides the habitat for two endangered species and to avoid surface...

The Management and Policies of the BECC
The purpose of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) is to help preserve, protect, and enhance the environment of the border region in order to advance the well-being of...

Flood Control Studies for Arizona Communities
Severe flooding in the winter of 1992/1993 produced severe flooding across the State of Arizona. Damages were widespread and significant. Total public and private damages are estimated...

Floodplain Analysis of the Lower Santa Margarita River in Camp Pendleton Marine Air Base, California
Floods of 1993 caused extensive flooding of the Santa Margarita River, and significant damage to Camp Pendleton. A floodplain analysis was performed including an assessment of recent flood...

Earth Spillway Design Using SITES Software
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service has, recently released new software for the design and analysis of water resource structure sites. This software, SITES, is based on the...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...

Santa Ana River Mainstem Project
The Santa Ana River Mainstem Project consists of seven major features including the construction of 550 ft. high earth and rockf ill dam; raising the embankment by 28 feet of Prado Dam,...

Benefits of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project
1. Need for additional flood control in Orange County. A. Orange County flood history. B. Increasing Population and development. C. Santa J River flood threat today. 2. How the Santa Axia...

Problem and Technical Solutions: The Seven Oaks Dam, Physical Elements of the Seven Oaks Dam Feature
Seven Oaks Dam is located in the upper Santa Ana Canyon approximately 1 mile from the canyon mouth. The site is 8 miles northeast of the city of Redlands in San Bernardino County on the...

Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Environmental Permitting
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is one of the largest public infrastructure projects in the United States. As such it poses major environmental planning and design challenges. The environmental...





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