Risk Analysis: Wet Weather Flows in S.E. Michigan
Institutional aspects of risk analysis are examined in two separate activities in the state of Michigan. The state of Michigan's relative risk project, patterned after the U.S. EPA's risk...

Environmental Effects of Flooding at a USCG Base
In July of 1993, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Base St. Louis facility was flooded. As the flood waters receded and cleanup efforts were initiated, a number of environmental issues had to...

A 2D numerical simulation of the Po river delta flow
A numerical simulation of the steady flow in the proximity of the delta of the Po river has been carried out. We consider the 2D quasi-hydrostatic model, approximating non conservation...

2D Finite Element Modelling of Flooding Due to River Bank Collapse
To compute the flood propagation over an initially dry area a new set of 2D equations has been recently proposed which accounts for the ground unevenness effects. The paper presents a...

Quasi-Two Dimensional Modelling of Flood Routing in Rivers and Flood Plains by Means of Storage Cells
A quasi-two dimensional numerical model for flood routing in rivers and flood plains has been developed. In the river, the St Venant equations are integrated using the implicit finite...

Two-Dimensional Modelling of Flow in the River Sava
On the river Sava near Ljubljana, a sports centre with a kayak racing channel was built in 1948. For the world championship in kayak-canoe racing in 1990 totally new racing channel had...

A comparison between computed and measured bed evolution in a river bend
A shallow-water scheme with a movable bed has been employed in order to check the reliability of computations related to the bed evolution when a substantially three-dimensional phenomenon...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Acoustic Velocity Meters
A project is currently underway to evaluate the performance of 27 acoustic flowmeters used at Hoover, Davis, and Parker Dams on the lower Colorado River. Field surveys and laboratory testing...

Velocity and Turbulence Measurement from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers
This paper presents a data measurement program that was used for collecting the velocity data associated with barge-tow traffic on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers and includes a discussion...

Sediment Measurement Instrumentation A Personal Perspective
The development of the suspended sediment samplers in the 1940s was a major contribution to the science of sedimentation and provided for the proper development of dams, reservoirs, and...

Real-Time Data Collection of Scour at Bridges
The record flood on the Mississippi River during the summer of 1993 provided a rare opportunity to collect data on scour of the streambed at bridges and to test data collection equipment...

Calibration of Movable Bed Model for Armant Area
The morphology of the Nile River, in Egypt, is undergoing continuous changes which causes navigation bottle-necks in some local reaches. About 200 km downstream Aswan, at Armant area,...

Vertical Sorting Within Dune Structure
Sediment transport occurs in natural stream beds at least in part as bed load. These bed forms are typically classified as ripples or dunes depending on the bed morphology and flow conditions....

Response of Velocity and Turbulence to Abrupt Changes from Smooth to Rough Beds in Open-channel Flows
Response of velocity distribution and turbulence characteristics to abrupt changes of bed roughness have been investigated experimentally with two-component laser Doppler anemometer (LDA)....

Visual Investigation of Field Bed-Load Sampling
An instrument for bed load sampling was developed consisting of an underwater video camera for visual observations. This instrument is called the Delft-Nile sampler and its design, efficiency...

Innovative Instrumentation for a Physical Model of River Ice Transport
Large physical models often require the use of innovative instrumentation and measurement techniques. Hydraulic models that attempt to simulate the effects of stationary ice covers put...

Recent Applications of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
A Broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (BB-ADCP) is a new instrument being used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to measure stream discharge and velocities, and bathymetry....

Design and Operation of a System to Monitor Sediment Deposition for Protection of an Endangered Mussel
The USGS, in cooperation with the COE, has designed and installed a system to continuously monitor changes in elevation of the river bed over the mussel bed located downstream of the Olmsted...

Frequency of the 1993 Flood in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
The frequency of the 1993 flood in the upper Mississippi River Basin is characterized by applying Bulletin 17B and L-moment methods to 111 unregulated watersheds in the basin. The analysis...

Damage to Highway Infrastructure 1993 Mississippi River Basin Flooding
A study has been initiated to investigate the basin-wide impact of the 1993 Mississippi River Basin flooding on damage to the highway infrastructure. The study involves site investigations...





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