Superfund: New Leadership, Old Problems
The often contentious Superfund program faces a Democratic administration�the first one since its inception�and reauthorization by a new congress, armed with a mandate to cut government...

MSA for VOC Removal
In what may be the first large-scale application of its type, mechanical surface aeration�usually used in wastewater treatment�is removing volatile organic compounds from potable ground...

Fire Retardant Treated Wood
The paper explains how FRTW chemicals react with combustible gases. It describes the two types into which FRTW is divided. Misconceptions about FRTW are also addressed....

Fire Endurance Model for a Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Truss
A numerical model has been developed for predicting the fire endurance of a single metal-plate-connected wood truss. Extensive component fire testing was conducted to develop the necessary...

Time Variant Reliability Under Environmental Loads
Time variant reliability with deteriorating resistance under a stochastic load process is considered. An outcrossing formulation for fatigue degradation is presented, and a simple and...

Development and Evaluation of Remediation Strategies by Deformation Analysis
Deformation analysis is providing guidance for the most efficient and economical seismic remedial treatments for Mormon Island Auxiliary and Sardis dams. The computer program TARA-3FL...

Rehabilitation of Plane Nine Dam
Plane Nine Dam, an earthen water supply dam near Altoona, Pennsylvania, was constructed in 1907. The dam performed satisfactorily for more than 80 years but it deteriorated with time and...

Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Relief Wells
The U.S. Army Engineer District, Vicksburg has developed an expedient method of rehabilitating arrays of large numbers of gravity flowing relief wells located along the toe of dams using...

Shotcrete for Underground Support V
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference held in Uppsala, Sweden on June 3-7, 1990. They are divided into sections concerned with the design...

The Long Term Interim Storage of Spent AGR Fuel
This paper describes the work undertaken by Scottish Nuclear Ltd. on the proposal to construct a naturally cooled dry store for spent advanced gas cooled reactor fuel at Tornes Power Station,...

Hanford Waste Vitrification Project Overview and Status
The Hanford Waste Vitrification Project (HWVP) is being constructed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Richland, Washington. The paper gives an overview of the HWVP which...

Human Factors Engineering Program Plan for the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
The paper describes the overall human factors program plan while providing more specific information regarding the critical areas of criteria development, dispersed control areas and key...

The Impact of Safety Analyses on the Design of the HWVP Vitrification Plant
Accident analyses are being performed to evaluate and document the safety of the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP). The effects of worst-case accident scenarios are evaluated by...

TVO-92 Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel Disposal
Spent fuel from the TVO I and TVO II reactors is planned to be disposed of in a repository to be constructed at a depth of about 500 meters in crystalline bedrock. The fuel will be encapsulated...

Application of Monte Carlo Neutron Photon to Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant Design Analysis
The Monte Carlo Neutron Photon (MCNP) computer program ('MNCP - A General Monte Carlo Code for Neutron and Photon Transport, Version 3A') (in PC and mainframe versions) has been used for...

Installation and Routing of Critical Embedments at the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
During the preliminary design phase of the project, a study was conducted to develop concepts for routing embedded piping and conduit between the remote cells and the service corridors...

Glass Melter Assembly for the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
The Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP) is designed to solidify high level radioactive waste by converting it into stable borosilicate glass after mixing with glass frit and water....

Mechanical Design of the Storage Tubes in the HWVP Canister Storage Building
Canisters of high-level waste from the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP) will be stored in an adjacent facility, the Canister Storage Building (CSB). The canisters are stored vertically...

Carbon-14: Some Evidence of Migration and Experiments on Immobilisation
Carbon-14 that is produced in nuclear reactors by reactions on C, N and O is one of the most biologically dangerous nuclides that are subject to global dispersion (H-3, 85-Kr, 129-I)....

AREST: The Next Generation
Simple mass transport models using constant boundary conditions at the waste form surface and at the host rock boundary do not always results in realistic predictions of the performance...





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