Enzyme Enhanced Stabilization of Soil and Fly Ash
The purpose of this research was to determine if enzymes could be utilized to increased the strength and stability of soil mixed with fly ash. Samples were prepared with and without the...

The Transistor Psychrometer: A New Instrument for Measuring Soil Suction
The transistor psychrometer is the latest instrument available for the measurement of soil moisture suction. It has been developed over a number of years and is very similar in operation...

Fly Ash for Soil Improvement
This proceedings, Fly Ash for Soil Improvement, contains papers presented at technical sessions of the 1993 ASCE Annual Convention and Exposition...

Report on Ship Channel Design
Report on Ship Channel Design (ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 80) was prepared by the Task Committee on Ship Channel...

A Better Grade Of Grade
A new technique for using geogrid reinforcement to construct natural-looking steep earth slopes called landform contour grading helped meet engineering, economic and aesthetic challenges...

Physical Model Testing of Broken Armor Stone
Cracking, breaking into two or more pieces, flaking, crumbling, and abrading may reduce an armor stone to a size where wave action can remove it from the structure causing a local instability....

Stability of Rock Armour Under Random Wave Attack: Performance of Non-Standard Rock Shapes and Gradings
Quarried rock is frequently used to protect coastal and shoreline structures against wave attack. Armour rock specifications generally exclude rock that is rounded or tabular, and gradings...

The 1984 Major Rehab of the Muskegon Harbor, MI South Breakwater: An Extreme Example of Misguided Design of a Stone Structure
It can be inferred from the Shore Protection Manual that the stability of any coastal structure is increased in proportion to the weights of the armorstones. The south breakwater at Muskegon...

Santa Barbara Harbor Assessment of Shoaling Frequency
The City of Santa Barbara is addressing the recurring problem of shoaling of its harbor entrance channel. The City relies on income generated from harbor businesses that in turn require...

Use of Portable Simulator in Designing Channel Improvements for Port of Brownsville, Texas
The Port of Brownsville, located at the southernmost tip of Texas, serves as an import/export port for both southern Texas and northern Mexico. The proposed channel improvement project...

Subaqueous Disposal Area Development and Mitigation
Development of subaqueous dikes on soft soils extensively utilized geosynthetics. The design adopted a wide-bermed embankment with high-strength geotextile for tensile reinforcement and...

The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project
The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project consisted of relocating and enlarging the outlet of a relatively narrow, shallow flood control channel in Southern California. Noteworthy aspects...

Dutch Experience on Design of Dikes and Revetments
The increased demand for reliable design methods for protecting structures has resulted in The Netherlands in preparing a set of design guidelines for design of dikes and revetments. The...

Should the U.S. Accept the Concept of Navigable Depth?
Navigable depth is defined as the maximum depth of water from the chart datum that is safe to accept as the bed of the channel, such that damage does not occur to a ship's hull and maneuverability...

Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics
The proceedings of the 1992 ASCE Specialty Conference on Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, addresses advances in the state-of-practice, research and technological developments...

Instability of Slopes with Nonassociated Flow
Experimental investigations of the conditions for instability have shown that granular materials may become unstable inside the failure surface. For states of stress below the failure...

Computation of Flow in Ice-Covered Dune-Bed Channels
A numerical method for solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations is developed to study the flow over sand dunes in two-dimensional channels. The method is applied to calculate...

Computer Simulation of Granular Flows
Discrete-particle computer simulations using up to 15,000 identical spheres reproduce particle-scale information obtained from high-speed motion picture observations of disperse, collision-dominated...

Erosion of Steep River Banks and Time Evolution Towards Equilibrium Channel Shape
A numerical analysis of the time evolution of straight river channels is presented. The bed and bank, material is taken to be coarse, non-cohesive and uniform in size. As a result of the...

Granular Flow on a Bumpy Inclined Chute
Theoretical predictions for steady, uniform granular flows of identical, smooth, nearly elastic disks and spheres on bumpy inclined chutes are obtained. Kinetic constitutive theory is...





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