Evaluating Hydro Relicensing Alternatives?Impacts on Power and Non-Power Values
The relicensing of 300 hydroelectric plants in the next decade involves a total capacity of about 4,000 MW - a $10 billion value. A methodology recently developed by Decision Focus Incorporated...

Screening Data with an Expert System (PDAS)
The performance of a three-mile long penstock, constructed in an active landslide area in northern California, is monitored using 138 vibrating wire-strain gauges. Readings are taken daily,...

Hand Held Powerhouse Control Console or Portable Data Terminal
The Portable Data Terminal (PDT) is a very small light weight hand held computer terminal that communicates with the control system computer by radio. An operator monitors power plant...

Streamflow Gaging in a Remote Area Using Cellular Telephone Telemetry
A case study will be presented describing the utilization of cellular phone technology in a remote sensing situation. Because expected annual energy estimates are vital in planning small...

Penstock Monitoring System in Active Landslide Areas
During initial planning of a high-head, five megawatt hydroelectric plant in Northern California, it was identified that the entire three-mile length of a 40 inches welded steel penstock...

Pressure-Time Method Using Modern Practices
Over the past twenty years, Hydro-Quebec has modernized the pressure-time method of flow measurement, a method which is generally economical but sometimes difficult to apply. Starting...

Application of Personal Computers to Field Flow Measurement
Flow measurements are often necessary to verify the performance of hydro turbines for regulatory, contractual, or engineering purposes. Historically, several methods utilizing various...

Precision Lysimetry in France
After a definition of the parameters to be measured, a possible reasoning is presented for the construction of a weighing lysimeter. A number of factors have to be taken in account: the...

Australian Lysimeter Studies of Field Evaporation
Evaporation data are summarised from separate lysimeter installations involving forest, crops and pastures along the 35?S parallel in south-eastern Australia. In each study, lysimeter...

Lysimeters: Data Acquisition and Analysis
Lysimeters provide the most direct method for measuring evapotranspiration (ET). For ten years we have used weighing lysimeters capable of a resolution equivalent to 0.02 mm of water....

Representativeness of Floating Evapotranspirometers
In the first part of the paper, the design, the working principle and the field installation of floating evapotranspirometer are described with the data logging system which delivers continuous...

Accuracies of Lysimeter Data Acquisition Systems
Electronic dataloggers are integral parts of most weighing lysimeter systems. Dataloggers supply excitation voltages to lysimeter load cells and measure resulting voltage signals. Resolution...

Hydrologic Impact of Reservoir Filling on a Fractured Crystalline-Rock Aquifer
A study of flow in and recharge to fractured rock has been initiated in conjunction with the construction and filling of a pumped-storage reservoir for a hydropower plant in the Blue Ridge...

Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

Stream Water Quality Modeling in Ankara Metropolitan Area
At the time this study was undertaken, untreated wastewaters from Ankara metropolitan area (capital of Turkish Republic) were being discharged directly into Ankara Creek and its tributaries....

Erosion Potential of Pacific Basin Precipitation
Average annual erosivity (EI) values were developed using 20 years of hourly precipitation data from weather stations located on each of 10 Pacific Basin islands. Average annual erosivity...

Prematurely Terminated Slug Tests?A Field Application
Slug tests suffer problems of non-uniqueness to a greater extent than other well tests. Alternatively, a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) or a systematized drillstem test is proposed,...

A National Bridge Scour Data Collection Program
A study to collect and analyze field measurements of bridge scour is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The primary objective...

PC Versatility in Modern Hydraulic Laboratory Data Acquisition Systems
Recent and newly emerging developments in low cost (personal) computing have enabled engineers to implement sophisticated data collection and analysis techniques on computing platforms...

Data Acquisition Systems for IBM Compatible System
Portable data acquisition systems composed of IBM compatible PC/XT/AT computers and analog to digital conversion cards can be configured with relative ease. These systems have the flexibility...





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