Modelling of Sand Bars in Coastal Environments
A mathematical model describes the formation of sand bars by progressive wind-generated waves. The model decomposes into several constituents linked together in a two step morphological...

Low-Waterway and Bank Erosion in a River With Alternating Bars Bed
In a river with alternating bars bed, the banks are often subjected to erosion due to the convergent flow resulted from the bed geometry, even in a straight channel. It is known empirically...

Towards a Better Simulation of Sea States for Modelling of Coastal Structures
In the last fifteen years, techniques of wave generation have advanced to such an extent that it is now possible to exercise controls of parameters such as wave grouping, wave asymmetries,...

Predictions of Shoaling Rates for a New Harbor in Puget Sound, Washington
Physical and numerical modeling methods were used to predict shoaling rates in the proposed Naval Station Puget Sound, Washington. A simple analytical model (SILTHAR), based on the premise...

Sanctuaries for Lake Trout in the Great Lakes
Three lake trout sanctuaries have been established in Lake Michigan: the Fox Island Sanctuary of 121,500 ha, in the Chippewa-Ottawa Treaty fishing zone in the northern region of the lake;...

Numerical Modeling of the Coastal Current Regime at Yaquina Bay, Oregon
The application of a family of hydrodynamic numerical models for simulating tidal and wave-induced currents at Yaquina Bay, Oregon, is described. An overview of four numerical models is...

Shoal Creek Flood Control Plan Austin, Texas
Following the devastating 1981 Memorial Day flood, a comprehensive and innovative flood control plan was developed and implemented for Austin's Shoal Creek Watershed. The...

Analytical and Empirical Methods for Predicting Channel Shoaling
Many techniques have been used in the past to predict the effects of channel enlargement on channel shoaling. These range from rule-of-thumb predictions to elaborate physical model investigations....

Managing Shoreline Changes in the Presence of Nearshore Shoal Migration and Attachment
The purpose of this paper is to describe these events in detail and illustrate the need for better understanding of erosion/deposition patterns around tidal inlets. Periodic beach surveys...

Ebb-Tidal Deltas and Barrier Island Morphology
Offshore depositional features such as ebb-tidal deltas may have significant and perhaps controlling influence on barrier island morphology. These features serve three primary functions....

Touring and Development of the Coastal Area: The Touristic Duality of the Senegalese Small Coast
The 'Small coast' stretches from Bargny (South of Dakar) to the Sangomar Cape on more than 100 km. It is a low and sandy coast. Made of large muddy areas and...

Nonlinear Deformation and Bispectral Change of Random Gravity Waves on Sloping Bed
A WKB-perturbation method is applied to the deformation of random gravity waves in water of slowly varying depth. In the present analysis, a spectral representation of WKB-type is assumed...

Wave Beach Interaction
This paper gives a derivation of the modification factors of wave amplitudes due to the effect of pure shoaling, friction, percolation and their combined effect. The resulting expressions...

Prediction of Fine Sedimentation in Small Marinas
Shoaling due to fine, cohesive sediment deposition in small marina-type basins is governed by basin geometry, hydrodynamic factors and sediment load in outside waters. An easily programmable...

Prediction of Shoaling in Estuarial Channels: A Microcomputer Application
Shoaling rates at three predominant areas of sedimentation in the Hooghly River estuary, India, have been predicted using a sediment transport model run on an IBM compatible microcomputer....

Mississippi River Fairview Crossing Test
To improve estimates of shoaling rates in the crossings of a deep draft channel from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, a prototype test was conducted in Fairview Crossing at Mile 116 above Head...

Shoaling Problems and Improvements Sunny Point, North Carolina
The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point (MOTSU), is located on the Cape Fear River, approximately 18 miles downriver from Wilmington, North Carolina. The facility has experienced significant...

Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...

Movable-Bed Model Investigation of Littoral Drift on the Intake and Outlet of Lin-Kou Power Plant (I)
The establishment and operation of a distorted movable-bed model of the cooling water intake and outlet is described. The model employed is a three-dimensional movable-bed Froude model...





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