The Importance of Water Depth for Sparger Performance
As part of TVA Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's Reservoir Releases...
The Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI) for Water Related Benefits Transfers
Managing our water resources requires knowledge not only of flows, water chemistry and aquatic life, but also of the various uses and economic values that humans place upon the water....
Recover Inorganic Solids from Obsolete Propellants
A feasible process was developed to recover inorganic solids (energetics and metallic fuel) from obsolete polyurethane-based propellants in order to solve their associated long-term disposal...
Optimization of Soil Vapor Extraction System Design
Soil vapor extraction is a cost-effective technique for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) immobilized in the unsaturated zone. The design of a soil vapor extraction system...
Specification of Cu, Pb and Cr in Contaminated Sediment Effected by pH
Sediment was sampled from a contaminated river. Sequential extraction was applied to determine the speciations of Cu, Pb, and Cr in the sediment with varied pH (5?9), and the redox potential...
Effect of Surface Water and Ground Water Interaction on Atrazine Transport to Pumping Wells
High concentrations of agricultural chemicals in flood waters have been reported in many Midwestern rivers and streams. The public water supply wells of a number of riparian communities...
Retention of Multiple Heavy Metal Ions by Fly Ash
Clayey soils are widely used as liner materials in landfills. They, not only retard the transport of leachates due to their low permeability, but also retain the heavy metal ions due to...
Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Agricultural Chemical Assessment of Rural Private Wells
The detection of agricultural chemicals in rural private wells has prompted for numerous studies at regional, state, and national levels. A principal concern arises from the fact that...
Identifying Potential Trophic Relationships and Bioaccumulation Pathways between Fish and Invertebrates
A large ocean monitoring database was used to quantify relationships between demersal fish, epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) and benthic infauna that provide potential pathways for...
Biodegradation of Dichloromethane in Leachate
The biodegradation of dichioromethane (DCM) in landfill leachate is examined by means of a series of laboratory tests conducted in a controlled environment. These tests demonstrate that...
Design Alternatives for Protection of the Santa Ana River Interceptor Sewer
The Santa Ana River Interceptor Sewer (SARIS) line buried within the floodplain of the Santa Aria River is being threatened by long term degradation of the river bed at the pipeline crossings,...
Degradation of Carboxydiphenyl Ether via Bioaugmentation
Two diphenyl ether-degrading bacteria,
Bacterial and Chemical Pollution of Littoral Waters of Lake Ohrid at Pogradec?Town Area
The Pogradec shore waters exceed these bacteriological standards and provide risks to the public health. The levels of the chemical indexes clearly show the influence of organic pollution....
Assessing Water Quality Impacts of Stormwater Runoff
Current water quality monitoring of non-point source runoff typically involves periodically measuring a laundry list of chemicals in the runoff waters. This approach, while satisfying...
Simulating DBP Precursor Transport in Sacramento Delta
Fate and movement of disinfection by-product organic precursors in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta was simulated for a 365-thy period with a hydrodynamics and transport...
Scour at Culvert Outlets: Considerations Present and Future
One of the major considerations in the design and rehabilitation of the national transportation system is the conveyance of tributary drainage through constructed embankments. As drainage...
When Toxics Meet Metal
Zero-valent iron is an emerging remediation technology that transforms chlorinated solvents to harmless substances. Engineers and researchers have been studying the process for about five...
Cleaning Up Clay
Using soil vapor extraction to remove volatile organic compounds from ground water and unsaturated soils can achieve faster and more-complete cleanups than conventional pump-and-treat...
Monitor Well Design, Installation, and Documentation at Hazardous and/or Toxic Waste Sites
This manual provides the minimum elements for consideration in the design, installation, and documentation of monitor well placement at projects known or suspected to contain chemically...
Practical Guide to Grouting of Underground Structures
This book presents a hands-on discussion of grouting fundamentals and provides a foundation for the development of practical specifications and field procedures. The author takes a practical...
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