The Resident Engineer?Contractor Relationship
This paper focuses on one type of contract and the relationship between the Contractor and the Resident Engineer that exists within that contract. The type of contract is where the Owner...
Constructibility Review of Documents Before Bidding
Many claims have their inception at the very beginning of a project, specifically at the time of bidding. Contractors review the Contract Documents prior to bidding. The way in which they...
Is There a Bid for Services in Your Future?
Selection of architect/engineer firms based on price in addition to qualifications is apparently here to stay. Those in favor of competitive negotiation say that it prevents corruption,...
Precast Liners May Cut Tunnel Cost 25%
On the Bureau of Reclamation's Buckskin Mountain's Tunnel in Arizona, the low bid was for $58,000,000, about $21,000,000 less than the low bid for design using...
Competitive Alternative to Minority Quotas/Goals
The City of Chicago and contractors working in the city have taken a big step toward solving the affirmative-action problem. Many of the plans through which the Federal government has...
An Engineer Rebuts a Contractor's Charges of Unfair Contracts
An engineer responds to the article, Are Construction Contracts Fair, (CE, May, 1975) by contractor George A. Fox and lawyer Max E. Greenberg. Engineers should not be given additional...
National Conference on Construction Contracts
Proceedings of the National Conference on Construction Contracts held in Washington D.C., May 25-26, 1967. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
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