Determination of Values of Project Storage for Hydropower Scheduling
The Columbia River is characterized by multiple and sometimes conflicting uses, and its basin extends over many political jurisdictions. To balance pluralistic needs and authorities with...

Marketing Power in the Pacific Northwest
The marketing of power in the Pacific Northwest is a process intimately tied to the management of the Columbia River system. This paper describes the characteristics of the river and transmission...

Hydrologic Dispatch Model for a Hydropower System
A hydrologic dispatch model was developed for an 11 plant, six reservoir hydroelectric system. The model incorporates load forecasting, system dispatching strategy, and database management...

Optimal Operation of the Savannah River System
This paper presents an application of a stochastic control method to the real time operation of the Savannah river system which includes three reservoirs and is expected to meet energy...

The Role of Headwater Benefits in Hydropower Planning
Headwater benefits are the power benefits that accure to owners of downstream hydroelectric plants as a result of the operation of headwater improvements. The retention of water in upstream...

Dam Safety Emergency Action Plans?A TVA-State Responsibility
The Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety requires each dam owner to prepare and maintain emergency action plans (EAP) for each of structure. These plans are necessary (1) to identify problems...

Appropriate Design and Construction of Conduits for Small and Mini Hydropower
The success of smaller hydro schemes often lies in identifying feasible and economic waterway systems to develop relatively high heads between low intake weir and powerstation. This paper...

Rebuild of Ten Mile Intake Flume Structure for Electron Hydropower Project
In 1984 the Puget Sound Power and Light Company began a rebuild of what is popularly referred to as the 'world's crookedest railroad. ' The 'railroad'...

Osoyoos Lake Control Structure
The new Osoyoos Lake Control Structure has been built on the Okanogan River at Oroville, Wa. The site is about 2 miles downstream from the outlet of Osoyoos Lake, and about 9 miles south...

Analysis of Hydraulic Transients for Design and Operation of Two Powerhouses in Series
The Dinkey Creek Project will be located in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains 40 miles north-east of Fresno, California, and will develop about 4000 ft of gross head with a maximum...

Free-Rotor, River-Velocity Turbine
This paper discusses the development of a very simple and inexpensive underwater turbine which will extract power ranging from a fraction of a HP up to 20 HP from the velocity of the running...

Turbine Casing and Distributor Hydraulic Design
Interactive casing and distributor hydraulic design and flow analysis software has been developed and tested. Until now, its application is limited to radial distributor turbo-machines....

Field Observations of Cavitation Erosion in Hydraulic Turbines
Field surveys of the operational and design characteristics of 602 hydroturbines installed since 1950 and having a capacity in excess of 20 MW or a discharge diameter greater than 3 meters...

Fire Protection at the Grand Coulee Hydro Project
In the fall of 1980 a rupture of one of the Project's 525kV transmission cables occurred and created a fire. Power from three Third Powerplant 700MW units was interrupted,...

Index Testing With a Data Acquisition and Control System
A computer controlled index test has been developed that can be used to optimize blade-gate relationships on adjustable blade (Kaplan) hydraulic turbines. This paper includes hardware...

Design and Commissioning of the Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project
The Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project consists of a single horizontal-shaft double-regulated S-type unit, rated 3440 kW, utilizing a programmable controller for unit operation together...

Digital Control of 180MW Francis Turbines: Controller Design, Simulation, and Operational Results
The features of a new hydro-power station are outlined as are some specifications that the customer required of a digital controller. Both hardware and software aspects of this recently...

Programmable mMicroprocessors in Local Control of Hydro Power Plants
The main purpose of the control equipment is to provide the generator with means for operation of the power station equipment. There is a need for status information on the generating...

An Integrated Site Controller-Network Monitoring System for Small Scale Hydroelectric Sites
Over the past decade more and more small scale hydroelectric power developers have faced the question of the economic feasibility of installing microprocessor based control systems for...

Efficiency in Auxiliary Electrical Systems
In 1984, during the preliminary design for the proposed second powerhouse at the Corps of Engineers' McNary Dam on the Columbia River, the more recent improvements and techniques...





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