Radioactive Mixed Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
This paper discusses compliance by the U.S. Department of Energy Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (1)....

Long-term Land Treatment: A Performance Evaluation
Overland flow (OLF) land treatment has been applied effectively in the United States for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewaters. Although several overland flow systems in...

A Risk-Based Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Control Agricultural Groundwater Contamination
The probabilities of groundwater contamination by pesticides under different management alternatives were evaluated in a single county in Oklahoma by coupling an agricultural infiltration...

The Utilization of a Deflocculant to Decrease the Permeability of a Clay Liner
A hazardous waste landfill was completed in Oklahoma during 1988. The clay liner was constructed to fulfill the RCRA requirements for permeability of equal to or less than 1E-07 centimeters...

A Local Approach to Regulating Toxic Air Contaminants
The Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District began developing a local toxic rule that would apply to a broad number of pollutants and yet be readily usable to a permitting engineer....

In Situ Measurement of Preferential Flow
An experiment was performed that quantifies the variability of flow paths in the vadoze zone. Bromide tracer and an organic dye, which has many of the same transport characteristics as...

Cokriging for Evaluating Agricultural Pollution
Subsurface drainage data from irrigated lands near Twin Falls, Idaho were used. Total Dissolved Solids and NO3-N were selected as variables. The...

Southeastern Drought of 1988?A Federal Perspective
The drought that has plagued the Southeastern United States for most of the 1980's is continuing in two major river basins within the geographic boundaries of the South Atlantic...

Water Management for the Future?State Perspective
The State of Georgia-Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has managed the quality of the waters of Georgia since the early 1970's. Today, the main focus of water issues...

Savannah River Basin Drought Contingency Planning
Beginning in 1986, and continuing through the present time, the worst drought in recent history created severe water shortage conditions over extensive areas of the southeastern United...

A Multivariate Analysis of Stillwater Lakes, Nevada
Stillwater Lakes located in western Nevada has been experiencing an astounding number of fish and waterfowl deaths since August 1986. This problem is explored through a multivariate statistical...

Flood Impact and Management of Levees in Tennessee
The construction of private levees is causing flooding and erosion problems along several tributary rivers in West Tennessee. The severity of these problems is recognized by the State...

Development of the Hydrology Criteria Manual for Harris County, Texas
The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) was created in 1937 with the primary objectives of reducing potential damages from flooding in the Harris County area and of providing...

Hydrologic Methodology for Evaluating Urban Development
It is recommended that a hydrologic methodology be utilized that contains sufficient parameters to enable the user to evaluate the impact of the changes to the watershed resulting from...

Irrigation and Aquifer Management in Illinois
The ground-water resources in eastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois Counties, Illinois, have been used for irrigation for over 50 years. During the drought of 1988, 131 irrigation wells...

Modeling a Multiple Well Groundwater Supply System
The paper is concerned with the simulation of existing groundwater supply systems. This encompasses the delivery of the groundwater from the wells to the water treatment plant, including...

Groundwater Protection in New York State
Groundwater protection is implemented by a variety of governmental entities. At the state level, the Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and of Health (DOH) are the agencies...

Groundwater Protection?The Delaware Experience
Groundwater protection in the State of Delaware has been an evolving process requiring the planning, cooperation, and implementation of rules and regulations by several state and local...

Principles of Ground Water Strategy
The states are now preparing or adopting ground water strategies under EPA direction. State and federal initiatives are currently uncoordinated, and do not add up to a coherent program....

Ground Water Recharge and Use, Ventura County, California
For more than 60 years United Water Conservation District and its predecessor district have recharged seven ground water basins in Ventura County, California with more than 2,500,000 acre...





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