Water, Water, Where?
Water�who gets it, where it comes from, who pays for it�has always been a central issue in California. Rapidly increasing demand, fierce environmental opposition to new sources and a drought...
Scheduling for Effectiveness
Telephone calls, drop-in visitors and the assorted instant crises that arise in the course of a busy workday can leave engineering and construction professionals feeling they have little...
Building Green
Some scientists say polystyrene insulation may be responsible for up to 40% of the ozone depletion caused by CFCs. That's only one reason why construction and design professionals...
Construction Documents Revised
The Engineers Joint Contract Document Committee has produced revised documents, which are available from ASCE. The committee includes ASCE, the National Society of Professional Engineers,...
Landfill Park: From Eyesore to Asset
By reclaiming a 50 acre landfill as a recreational area, Cambridge, Mass. increased its open space by 20%. The park includes three softball and three soccer fields, one multisport field,...
Measurement of Stream Reaeration Rate Coefficients Using Propane Gas
Three determinations of the reaeration rate coefficient, K2, were made on a 1185-m reach of the upper Assabet River in Westborough and Northborough,...
Gas Transfer Measurements on an Ice-Covered River
Wasteload allocation for existing and proposed pulp mills in the Athabasca River Basin of northern Alberta, Canada, necessitated measurement of the atmospheric reaeration rate, K2,...
Mercury Behavior in a Wastewater Sludge Incineration Process
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) in Duluth, Minnesota utilizes solid waste as fuel to incinerate wastewater treatment sludge, conserving energy resources while reducing...
The Use of a Deep Shaft for the Waste Water Treatment Plant of Orgamol SA
The first version of a new deep aeration system has been built for Orgamol SA, a chemical plant in the Rhone valley, Switzerland. Construction, operation and oxygen transfer mode of the...
Ground Water in the Pacific Rim Countries
This proceedings,
Irrigation and Drainage
This proceedings,
Symposium on Ground Water
This proceedings,
Waterpower '91
A New View of Hydro Resources
This proceedings,
Avoiding Defective Specifications
Despite everyone's best efforts, the design intent as portrayed in the contract documents is rarely crystal clear. As a result, the owner and the project team often find themselves...
Ground-Water Modeling Without Fear
Computerized ground-water modeling has leapt from the cloistered laboratory to the field project as more and more programs are written for the personal computer. These easy-to-understand...
Kuwait: The Incredible Shrinking Rehab
With rehabilitation estimates now just 20% of what they first were, the liberation of Kuwait has not been a cure-all for the construction industry. Firms participating in the emergency...
Rehabbing the U.S.
When it comes to protecting its $1.4 trillion investment in public-works infrastructure, the U.S. has been like a homeowner who puts off fixing a leak until the ceiling lands on his head....
Determination and Presentation of Subsurface Conditions for Design and Construction
A major problem in the design and construction of many engineering projects is the lack of adequate geotechnical information both for design and for determining conditions to be encountered...
Regional Water Supply Needs and Sources, Southwest Florida Water Management District
In 1990, the Southwest Florida Water Management District completed a district-wide water supply needs and sources planning analysis. The SWFWMD needs and sources analysis identifies water...
Yampa River Basin Alternatives Feasibility Study an Example of Conflict Resolution in Water Supply Development
The Yampa River, located in northwest Colorado, is a major tributary of the Green River segment of the Colorado River system. Potential water resource development in the Yampa River Basin...
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