Use of Water Hyacinths to Upgrade Treatment Plants
The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing water hyacinths to upgrade effluents from heavily-loaded municipal wastewater treatment plants located...

Development of a Sanitary Landfill Design in New Jersey?Why Proposed RCRA Changes are Not Going to Affect the Design
On August 24, 1988, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed substantial revisions to Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In most states the...

Instrumentation of Landfill Cover Liners: Moisture Transport Studies
Accurate estimation of the amount of water leaking through the cover liner, into the landfill, is vital for estimating the possible amount of leachate that can be generated into a landfill...

Ft. Huachuca, AZ Fire Site Hazardous Waste Remedial Action
The paper discusses an investigation of the site of a major fire at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. All of the fire debris contained asbestos. The sampling results confirmed that PCB levels of...

Comparison of Preozonation and Prechlorination in the Treatment of Several Raw Water Supplies
Bench scale testing of 18 raw water supplies from various locations throughout the eastern United States was conducted to evaluate their susceptibility to ozonation, and to compare preozonation/conventional...

Treatment Plant Modifications to Conserve Energy and Improve Performance
Creative funding along with thorough planning and design contributed to the successful energy conservation program at the Willow Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, Salem, Oregon. By funding...

Application of the ASPEN System for Simulation of the Detroit Waste Water Treatment Plant
The objective of this study is to simulate the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant (DWWTP) using the Advanced System for Process Engineering (ASPEN). The primary treatment facility has...

Testing of a 5-Stage Modified Bardenpho? WWTP
The Eastern Service Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (ESA WWTF) is a 13.5-mgd advanced wastewater treatment facility employing biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes located...

Analysis of Model Uncertainty Using Bayesian Monte Carlo
Bayesian Monte Carlo analysis combines Bayesian inference with standard Monte Carlo techniques to provide improved estimates of the uncertainty in water quality model parameters and results....

Continuous Sampling of Nonpoint Source Pollution
Sediment, nutrient, and other pollutant loads from storm water runoff in a small Texas watershed have been estimated using an initial strategy of periodic grab sampling and a revised strategy...

Longterm Response of Lakes to Acidic Deposition
The longterm response of lakes in the northeastern United States to different levels of acidic deposition was predicted by using a lumped parameter hydrologic/biogeochemical model, the...

Disinfection of Wastewater Effluents with Electron Radiation
A full scale electron irradiation unit is being tested at the Virginia Key Wastewater Treatment Plant in Miami, Florida. On-going experimentation is evaluating the use of high energy electrons...

Evaluation and Selection of RBC Models for Design of Domestic Wastewater Facilities
This study evaluated three existing models commonly used for the design of Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC). Operating data from six RBC Treatment Plants located in eastern Massachusetts...

Composting Works for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants
The City of Cooper City, Florida, faced with the undesirable position of relying on outside contractors for sludge disposal needs, undertook the task of developing a self-sufficient sludge...

Experimental Study of Windrow Composting of Sludge
An experimental field study of the windrow composition of sludge at the City of Dallas, Texas, Southside Waste Water Treatment Plant was conducted to provide data for possible design of...

The Distribution of PCB Contaminated Sediment in the Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan
Heightened environmental awareness beginning in the 1970s focused upon lowering contaminant levels in the Kalamazoo River system through the improvement of water quality. The Michigan...

Environmental Analysis of Sludge Disposal Options
In a Court-ordered agreement to eliminate disposal of sludge from its treatment plants into the ocean, the City of Los Angeles was required to evaluate alternatives for transporting and...

Water Oxidation of Sludges and Toxic Wastes
Waste treatment technologies such as subcritical and supercritical water oxidation processes offer innovative alternatives to vexing sludge and toxic wastewater treatment problems. This...

Digester Gas Resource Recovery at Phoenix, Arizona
Until July 1986, the digester gas produced at this 150 million gallon per day facility, in excess of what was utilized for heating anaerobic digesters was flared. In 1983, a feasibility...

Conversion of Mixed Waste to LSA Waste?A Case Study
This paper describes a treatment process that was successfully employed at the National Guard Armory in Chicago, Illinois, to convert sludge classified as hazardous chemical/radioactive...





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