Physical Evaluation of a Buried Drainage System
The drainage problem in the 600,000 acre (1. 5 million ha) Westlands Water District (District), located in the Central San Joaquin Valley in California is that of a perched saline groundwater...

Effects of Streambed Processes on Interaction Between Surface and Groundwater
In open channel systems, the phenomena commonly referred to as 'clogging' is caused by settling of sediment and straining of suspended material as water moves...

Time Rated Infiltrated Depth Families
A new set of infiltration families has been developed, for 'normal' soils to describe cumulative infiltrated depth versus time. This new family of curves is described...

Development of a Multi-Modal Information System
This paper outlines the design and development of a Multi-Modal Information System in Duluth, Minnesota. The system applies state-of-the-art microcomputer technology to the provision of...

Upgrading to Super-Micros
The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) is a regional planning agency and Metropolitan Planning Organization in central Oklahoma, responsible for maintaining a large data...

The Group Approach to Implementing Micro Systems
This paper highlights a nearly three year effort to implement microcomputer information systems on 16 small and medium sized transit properties in Wisconsin using a 'group...

Applications and Potential of Micro-computer Aided Instruction
The capabilities of computers for intense interaction and cost effective storage of reference material suggest that computer aided instruction (CAI) may have substantial potential for...

Reporting Systems for Rural Transportation Operators
This paper describes the development, testing and implementation of a microcomputer rural transportation reporting system. The project was initiated by the Tennessee Department of Transportation...

Transit Personnel Management Using a Microcomputer Issues and Lessons
This paper discusses the design and implementation issues facing developers of microcomputer-based personnel management systems (PMS) at small and medium-sized transit agencies. A case...

Multi-Agency Transit Financial Planning System
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (the regional transportation planning agency for the San Francisco Bay Area) had early success in applying microcomputers to certain transit...

A Microcomputer Based Street Inventory System
Maintaining a Roadway Inventory Management System, or any inventory system, is an ongoing problem for many agencies. The filing cabinet system is clumsy and time consuming. Mainframe computer...

A Freeway Simulation Program for Microcomputers
An interactive, menu driven macroscopic freeway simulation program with graphic capabilities is presented in this paper. In addition to the employment of personal computers the program...

Traffic Signal System Information Management Using a Microcomputer Based Record Keeping Program
This paper presents various aspects of traffic signal system management using a special purpose microcomputer based information and record keeping program. The paper presents a brief background,...

TRANSYT 7F Applications on a Microcomputer
This paper describes the results of work undertaken by Michigan State University Civil Engineering graduate students as part of two separate class projects. Significant support was provided...

Assessment of Software for Traffic Signal Analysis
The main objectives of this paper were to conduct an up-to-date comprehensive inventory of traffic signal analysis software, select pertinent programs that operate under the MS-DOS environment,...

ITDS: A Data Base Driven Interface to Traffic Models Using a Microcomputer
The author presents a system which solves many traffic control problems. The Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a set of microcomputer programs which provides an easy-to-use interface...

Low-Cost Accident Data Bases for Small Urban Areas
This paper describes the application of a microcomputer traffic accident data base system developed for Terre Haute, Indiana, a small (pop. 70,000) urbanized area in west central Indiana....

A Microcomputer-Based Safety Management System
An agency's effectiveness in undertaking its highway safety responsibilities is most critically dependent upon the information available and the means provided to access and...

Transit Scheduling With Spreadsheets
In two years, the Anchorage Transit Department has gone from having no microcomputers in use to having ten being used for route scheduling, monitoring ridership figures, maintenance management,...

Accessing the Schedule Data Base
Some of the potentially most significant uses of microcomputers in transit scheduling analysis (i. e. , to take advantage of the user-defined powers of the microcomputer to perform special...





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