Convergence Experiments with a Hydrodynamic Model of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
A two-demensional, depth-averaged, finite-difference, flow/transport model, SIM2D, is being used to simulate tidal circulation and transport in the Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, estuarine...

The Use of Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models Based on GIS at Different Scales of Information
The effects of spatial variability of soil type and land use on basin response are investigated. This is modelled thorugh a distributed approach specifically designed for calibration from...

SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

The Colorado River Simulation System
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is a comprehensive computer tool designed to assist water resource managers in long-range planning and management of the Colorado River Basin....

Design and Operation of Guard Gates
Guard gates for hydroelectric intakes and low-level outlets are normally intended for operation only under balanced heads. In the case of failure of regulating gates, the guard gate may...

Model Study of Potential Debris Problems at the Proposed Diversion of Clover Fork River, Harlan, Kentucky
A study was conducted at the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi, using a physical and a numerical model, to evaluate the entrance conditions at a proposed tunnel diversion...

Hydraulic Model and Prototype Experience on Old River Overbank Structure
Physical hydraulic model tests of the Old River overbank structure were conducted to investigate the hydraulic performance of the stilling basin and evaluate riprap stability and scour...

Probabilities of Hydrologic Extremes and Risk Analysis
Extreme floods of very low probabilities, e.g., 10-6 and 10-7, are estimated using data on annual flood peaks...

Joint Probability Calculation of Storm Depths
A methodology is presented to estimate exceedance probabilities of rainfall depths over large areas using joint probability. The joint probability estimate combines the frequency distribution...

Issues of Detectability of Climate Change Impacts on the Runoff of a Southeastern River Basin
Can we detect and predict changes in hydrology caused by climate changes? Assuming credible predictions of climate change, can we predict corresponding hydrologic effects? Are uncertainties...

Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources: Results from a Study by the American Association for Advancement of Science
The time horizon of the changes that might occur is similar to the time required for planning, approval, funding, construction and economic life of such major water facilities as dams,...

Simulation of Precipitation by Weather-Type Analysis
A new approach that uses weather-type analysis as a basis for stochastic precipitation modeling was developed and tested for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The weather types permit the identification...

Effects of Runoff Changes and Sea Level Rise on Salinity in the Delaware River Estuary
The objective of this study is to investigate changes in the spatial distribution of salt in the Delaware Estuary resulting from climate induced changes in freshwater inflows and in the...

Estimation of the Probability of a Precipitation Event Occurring Over a Specified Watershed
A methodology is proposed for making rational flood control decisions when the physical characteristics of the upstream watershed are known and the characteristics of the extreme precipitation...

Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...

Special Hydraulic Problems Related to Coastal Louisiana Drainage Systems
The urbanized coastal areas of southeast Louisiana present unique problems for hydraulic engineers. These problems relate to the design of drainage systems serving leveed areas with flat...

Technical Considerations in Numerical Modeling of Pressure Reducing Valves in Water Distribution Systems
In large water distribution networks, pressure reducing valves (PRVs) are common water appurtenances. However, there are difficulties in representing them when using the Hazen-Williams...

Water Distribution System Design Considering Component Failure During Static Conditions
A continuous hydraulic availability relationship is presented which more realistically models minimum pressure requirements for water distribution systems. This relationship is used in...

Redundancy and Reliability of Water Distribution Networks: An Entropy Based Approach
Based on the concepts of entropy and graph theory, a functional form is developed as a quantitative measure for redundancy in water distribution networks. This function was obtained by...

Optimal Reliability Based Design for Water Distribution Systems
The methodology presented in this paper explicitly includes availability measures that incorporate both mechanical and hydraulic unavailability of system components for a dynamic system....





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