The Response of Steel Containment Models to Internal Pressurization
To obtain insight and data on the response of containment vessels subjected to beyond design basis accidents, four 1/32 scale steel containment models have been subjected to internal overpressurization,...

Preliminary Analysis of Large Penetration Enclosures for Containment Vessels Subject to Beyond Design Basis Loadings
Numerical simulations of the macro-deformations of the sealing surfaces (gasketed junctures) of a PWR steel containment vessel's equipment hatch subjected to accident loadings...

Major Considerations in Scale Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Containment Structures
Reinforced concrete containment structures pose unique modeling problems, especially when leakage integrity is of interest. This paper presents a general discussion of modeling considerations...

Pipeline Hydraulic Transient and Leak Detection Analysis
Liquid and gas pipelines cannot be properly designed with consideration of steady flow analysis techniques alone due to the possibility of pipeline failure resulting from uncontrolled...

San Joaquin Valley Hydrologic-Economic Model
The rapid development of agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley has resulted in increased ground water pumpage. Increasing energy costs coupled with increasing pumping lifts have a major...

River Meandering
The erosion and sedimentation processes associated with river meandering have a profound effect on man's use of rivers and their valleys, as well as the natural environment....

Functional Specifications of a Distributed Engineering Data Management System
The development of a large-scale engineering data management system is outlined for AEC industries. Described are the outline specifications and basic design decisions used to implement...

Advances in CAD for Structural Engineers
In the 1980's Computer-Aided Design (CAD) will offer the structural engineer an opportunity to improve his work. Decreases in the cost of equipment and improvements in computer-aided...

Relational Model for Computer Analysis and Design
One of the most critical elements in engineering analysis and design is data management. Relational database systems have been proven to be an excellent tool for managing the voluminous...

Study on Secondary Compression of Clays
An elastoviscoplastic constitutive model shows that a strain rate effect parameter is related to the coefficient of secondary compression. The relation was verified experimentally by test...

Selfweight Consolidation of Very Soft Clay by Centrifuge
This paper reports a series of selfweight consolidation tests and their analysis by Mikasa's consolidation theory. The tests covered a coastal reclamation project and the...

The Use of Soil Mechanics Capabilities in a General Purpose Finite Element Program
This paper describes capabilities, points out features of implementation in a general purpose code, and describes some numerical considerations. The paper makes use of illustrative solutions....

Validation of Consolidation Properties of Phosphatic Clay at Very High Void Ratios
The void ratio-effective stress and void ratio permeability relationships for phosphate slime mine tailings were measured by several methods. The measurements were used in nonlinear finite...

Consolidation Performance of Soft Clays: Part 1. Model
The simplified version of the soil model used in the finite element scheme is a linear anisotropic elastic model. Part 1 defines the parameters needed for the model and the laboratory...

Consolidation of Multi-layered Clay
Three kinds of clay with different plasticity were pre-consolidated from slurry and combined into typical two layered systems consolidated under 40 tf/m**2 with single drainage condition....

Consolidation by Sand Drain in Anisotropic Ground
The author reduces Biot's equations of consolidation into a single governing equation with the excess pore water pressure as the only unknown function and derives the theory...

Perspectives on Modelling Consolidation of Dredged Materials
The physical and mathematical aspects of this problem are highly nonlinear and material-property relationships extend beyond the scope of standard geotechnical engineering. The potential...

Waste Phosphatic Clay Disposal in Mine Cutsr
Research was undertaken to assess the applicability of waste clay disposal back into phosphate mine cuts. The pit was monitored for two years with measurements of clay surface elevation,...

Centrifugal Modeling of Phosphatic Clay Consolidation
As a by-product of beneficiation, quantities of dilute clay slurry are produced which are stored in retention ponds. One method of accelerating consolidation is to surcharge the clay with...

Trends in Computerization in the Eighties
This paper addresses trends in computer-aided productivity tools for Civil Engineers in the eighties. Certain aspects of the past history, present status, and future of CAD/CAM and CAE...





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