PROFS Role in Modernization of the National Weather Service
This paper describes the overall modernization procedure and the computing infrastructure that will support hydrologic operations in a prototype workstation that will be available in National...

A Report on 18 Warning Systems in America
Of all weather related disasters in the United States, floods are the primary cause of death, and most flood related deaths result from flash floods. One of the major changes in flash...

Development of an Optimal Water Supply System for London
The Thames Water Authority has developed an integrated strategy for providing water supplies to London into the 21st Century. At the core of this strategy is the construction of over 60...

Computer Control of Houston's Water System
The City of Houston's Central Surveillance and Control System utilizes dual host computers and over 100 'smart' Remote Terminal Units to control...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

Optimal Real-Time Pump and Irrigation Scheduling for Center-Pivot Sprinkler Systems
A comprehensive scheduling algorithm is presented for optimally integrating irrigation and pump operational decisions in center-pivot sprinkler systems. Dynamic programming successive...

Water Quality Management During Low-Flow Periods: A Systems Analysis Approach
Water quality objectives may require water managers to consider deviations from original project purposes to provide downstream water quality maintenance during low-flow periods. The decision...

Meeting Environmental Commitments at Power Plants Using Real-Time Reservoir Scheduling
This paper describes two different real-time modeling systems that determine if scheduled hydro releases will affect meeting environmental commitments. The modeling system for John Sevier...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

Application of Two-Dimensional Model to Predict Fine Sediment Deposition
The TABS-2 two-dimensional numerical modeling system was used to predict the potential for fine sediment deposition in the lock approach channels at Lock and Dam Nos. 4 and 5 on the Red...

Comparison of n Values in Natural and Dredged Channels
Manning's n values were determined for three stream channels in two complex watersheds in North Mississippi. The study covered a wide range of channel conditions and flow...

Channel Entrenchment Along the Post Creek Cutoff in Southern Illinois
The Post Creek Cutoff was constructed in 1915 by the Cache River Drainage Commission to divert flow from the Upper Cache River to the Ohio River. The construction of the cutoff reduced...

100 Years of Sedimentation Study by the USGS
On January 15, 1889, the U.S. Geological Survey began collecting sediment data on the Rio Grande at Embudo, New Mexico. During the past 100 years the U.S. Geological Survey's...

Corps of Engineers' Mississippi River Sediment Studies
In conjunction with the 1838 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydrographic survey of the Mississippi River, CPT A. Talcott collected sediment samples in the passes 'to determine...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Lessons from Ten Years Experience in 2D Sediment Modeling
The purpose of this paper is to share some of the lessons learned from the experience of the Hydraulics Lab Estuaries Division (WESHE) in applying two-dimensional (2D) numerical models...

An Overview of Computer Stream Sedimentation Models
This paper discuss some of the author's experience in computer modeling of stream sedimentation problems. Comparisons of twelve selected models developed and implemented in...

Flow Modeling in the Toutle River, Washington
In support of flow, suspended load, bed load, and bedform transport measurements, a quasi-three-dimensional river flow model was adapted to a reach extending from 260m upstream to 30m...

Limitations of Modeling High Concentration Streams
Following the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, high sediment concentrations caused rapid deposition and increased flood hazards along the Cowlitz River. The Corps of Engineers developed...

Goodwin Creek Channel Morphology and Stability
Selected cross sections along Goodwin Creek channel, northern Mississippi, have been surveyed a total of twenty-one times since 1977 to document channel adjustments. Initial results of...





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