Coastline Management: A Challenge for Developing Countries
Coastal erosion has been a worldwide problem of primary concern to coastal management and development. To arrest the coastal erosion processes along the coastline of developing countries...

Effects of Sea Level Rise on the California Coast
Although California is thought to be an emerging coastline which would be little affected by a change in sea level, a 5 foot rise over the next 100 years could have a significant impact...

Chemical Parameters Before a Red Tide Bloom, Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Gulf of Tehuantepec in the Mexican Pacific is characterized by 'north winds' (Tepehuanos) from October through March. These winds form a upwelling area in front...

Pre-Operational Considerations for Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Site Selection and Allocation in British Columbia
Marine fish farming is a new component in the complex mixture of coastal resource uses in British Columbia. To ensure that the marine finfish aquaculture industry develops within an environmentally...

Numerical Simulation of Alabama's Weeks Bay Estuary
Weeks Bay system models describing water elevation, water circulation, salinity and BOD/DO concentrations are used to investigate two case study scenarios - a dredged ten foot deep boat...

Land-Use Issues Raised by Offshore Oil and Gas Development
While prudent development of offshore energy resources may provide benefit to the nation overall, it invokes several issues for local and regional planning. In particular, petroleum development...

Effective Mitigation of Air Emissions from OCS Sources
Unmitigated, platforms and associated facilities in the OCS typically emit large quantities of air pollution from power generation, drilling, transportation and other activities related...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...

Turbulence Measurements and Parameterizations
Bottom boundary layer and exchange models account for high frequency turbulence via Reynold's averaging and the most advanced closure formulations required by this averaging...

Long Wave Effects in Laboratory Studies of Cross-Shore Transport
A movable bed physical model study was conducted to investigate the influence of trapped low frequency energy on wave transformation and beach profile evolution. Using identical drive...

A Calibrated Longshore Transport Model for Richards Bay
In order to plan maintenance dredging at the Port of Richards Bay, different studies were carried out. These were to determine the extreme dredging rates required in the long term and...

Sand Movement by Wind?Optimising Predictive Power
The aim of the work reported here was to develop a model for the efficient utilisation of standard anemometer data for the prediction of potential sand movement. Accurate aeolian sand...

Field Measurements of the Vertical Structure of Suspended Sediment
The use of acoustic backscatter measurements to determine suspended sediment concentration gives a new view of the instantaneous sediment distribution as a function of height above the...

Suspended Sediment Load at Three Time Scales
Suspended sediment loads were examined at the three time scales of time-series-averaged, wave-by-wave and instantaneous during the wave cycle. Field measurements recorded on a natural...

G6 Coastal Morphodynamics
The contents and the backgrounds of the European coastal modelling programme 'G6 Coastal Morphodynamics', in the framework of the EC-sponsored Marine Science...

Turbulence Modelling of Suspended Sediment in the Surf Zone
A computational model is developed for the prediction of the wave period averaged turbulence structure under a breaking wave. The principal forcing function for the model is the generation...

Effects of Fluid Accelerations on Sediment Transport in Surf Zones
Two hydraulic model tests were run in a wave flume using irregular waves to obtain detailed data on the cross-shore variations of the pressure gradient on a 1:20 smooth, impermeable slope....

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Modelling and Comparison with Tests at Prototype Scale
A series of prototype scale laboratory experiments have been performed at the Large Wave Channel (GWK) in Hanover to investigate the process of sediment transport over a horizontal bed...

Estimation of Overwash Bore Velocities Using Video Techniques
Overwash data were collected at a site on the Isles Dernieres, LA barrier island chain during Hurricane Gilbert in September 1988. A video technique was applied that allowed the quantification...

Sand Ridges and Internal Waves on Continental Shelves
Large-amplitude internal waves generated by tidal fluctuations at the outer edge of the continental shelf propagate shoreward and interact with sediment on the shelf. A crude mathematical...





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